
How many kills does the average soldier get?

How many kills does the average soldier get?

In current warfare I would estimate the kill count of a soldier to be around 0.5 to 1 in combat, however nearly none of these are confirmed to the soldier so the answer is either 1 or 0 per combat. Mortars and Artillery (in that order) are responsible for 90\% of the military battle casualties in war since WWII.

Who most confirmed kills?

Charles Benjamin “Chuck” Mawhinney (born 1949) is a United States Marine who holds the Corps’ record for the most confirmed sniper kills, having recorded 103 confirmed kills and 216 probable kills in 16 months during the Vietnam War….

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Chuck Mawhinney
Wars Vietnam War
Other work U.S. Forest Service public speaker

How do soldiers feel about war?

Heart pounding, fear, and tunnel vision are just a few of the physical and emotional responses soldiers reported. Upwards of 30\% reported fear before and during combat, blowing apart a macho myth that you’re not supposed to ever be scared during battle.

Are You offended if someone asks you if you ever killed someone?

One of them says that if someone asks you if you ever killed someone, you are supposed to be offended. Like most veterans, when I was inevitably asked this question by some unsuspecting civilian, I indeed found myself offended, mostly because I thought I was supposed to be.

Do most veterans know what happens if they shoot while deployed?

For most veterans, there is, in fact, a definitive answer to the question: No. Most service members will never fire a shot in anger or in defense while deployed, and of those who do, many of them will never know the result. Then, there are those who know that they did in fact kill.

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Why is it so awkward to answer military interview questions?

Part of the awkwardness of responding to the question is the fact that by giving an answer you are destroying the mystery of your military service. A non-answer, as I like to to give, keeps the mystery alive. Answering in the affirmative and in detail may reveal the monster that some believe you to be.

Can you be punished for swearing in front of your superior?

Swearing in front of a superior – probably not unless the person had been previously warned, in which case it could be disobeying a lawful order. Swearing AT a superior is disrespect and conduct unbecoming and could be punished. As a commander I heard swearing all the time and didn’t punish troops for it.