
How many shots did it take to sink the Bismarck?

How many shots did it take to sink the Bismarck?

In the ensuing battle Hood was destroyed by the combined fire of Bismarck and Prinz Eugen, which then damaged Prince of Wales and forced her retreat. Bismarck suffered sufficient damage from three hits to force an end to the raiding mission….German battleship Bismarck.

Nazi Germany
Aviation facilities 1 double-ended catapult

How did the Bismarck get sunk?

Unable to manoeuvre, the Bismarck stood little chance and was finally sunk by two torpedoes fired by HMS Dorsetshire, having withstood two hours of bombardment. Admiral Lutjens went down with the ship, along with 2,089 others.

Who were the 3 survivors of HMS Hood?

Only three survived: Ordinary Signalman Ted Briggs (1923–2008), Able Seaman Robert Tilburn (1921–1995), and Midshipman William John Dundas (1923–1965). The three were rescued about two hours after the sinking by the destroyer Electra, which spotted substantial debris but no bodies.

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How did the Bismarck really sink?

Well, toward the end, Bismarck’s upper decks were in flames , she could no longer fire her guns accurately, and sailors were leaping from the decks to bob in the water. When Bismarck finally did sink, she sank very fast.

Was battleship Bismarck sank or scuttled?

Experts have agreed that the Bismarck would have sunk eventually from the catastrophic damage dealt by the British, but it was likely scuttled by its own crews once its situation became hopeless. Only 115 men survived the sinking.

What type of war ship was the Bismarck?

World War II: Bismarck Design. In 1932, German naval leaders requested a series of battleship designs intended to fit within the 35,000 ton limit imposed on leading maritime nations by the Washington Naval Treaty Construction. Fast Facts: Battleship Bismarck General Specifications. Armament Early Career. Battle of the Denmark Straight. Sink the Bismarck!

What battleships were sunk in World War 2?

Wreckage from the USS Juneau sunk by the Japanese during World War II has been found in the South Pacific. The five Sullivan brothers from Waterloo, Iowa, were among the 687 killed when the Navy ship sank during the 1942 Battle of Guadalcanal .