
How similar are Serbian Croatian and Bosnian?

How similar are Serbian Croatian and Bosnian?

Contemporary Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian are spoken by about 17 million people and are nearly identical to each other in vocabulary and grammar, though they use different alphabets.

What is the difference between Bosnian Croatian and Serbian?

Serbian and Bosnian standards varieties tend to be inclusive, i.e. to accept a wider range of idioms and to use loanwords (German and Turkish), whereas the Croatian language policy is more purist and prefers neologisms to loan-words, as well as the re-use of neglected older words.

Do Croatians speak Serbian?

Standard Croatian is based on the most widespread dialect of Serbo-Croatian, Shtokavian, more specifically on Eastern Herzegovinian, which is also the basis of Standard Serbian, Bosnian, and Montenegrin….Croatian language.

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Native speakers (5.6 million, including other dialects spoken by Croats cited 1991–2006)

Can Croatians and Serbs understand each other?

“Serbs and Croats can understand each other on the level of basic communication. Croatians have coined entirely new words, Bosniaks have peppered their speech with Turkic terms and phrases, and Serbs throughout the region remain committed to using the Cyrillic alphabet instead of Latin script.

Is Croatian different from Serbian?

Both Croat and Croatian refer to the language and people of Croatia; Serbian refers to the language of Serbia, while Serb designates the people. Serbs and Croats understand one another’s speech, but their alphabets are very different. Lejla’s mother is a Serb, and her father is a Croat, but she is a Canadian.

Is Bosnian different from Croatian?

The languages referred to as “Bosnian” “Croatian” and “Serbian” are one common language, albeit with different dialects.

Does Bosnian exist?

listen); bosanski / босански [bɔ̌sanskiː]) is the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian mainly used by ethnic Bosniaks. Bosnian is one of three such varieties considered official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina, along with Croatian and Serbian.

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Are Serbs and Croats the same?

Both Serbs and Croats, among the others who live in the Balkans, belong to the same people – South Slavs. Furthermore, South Slavs belong to the larger group called Slavs, which is the largest ethno-linguistic group in Europe.

Is Serbo-Croatian still spoken in Yugoslavia?

print icon. SOME 17m people in Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro speak variations of what used to be called Serbo-Croatian or Croato-Serbian. Officially though, the language that once united Yugoslavia has, like the country, ceased to exist. Instead, it now has four names: Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian and Montenegrin.

Do Croats speak Bosnian or Croatian?

So, if you are traveling, don’t make a mistake of telling a Croat they speak Serbian, Serb that they speak Croatian or Herzegovinian (the southern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina where the majority of population is Croat) that they speak Bosnian.

Are Bosnian and Serbian the same language?

Instead, it now has four names: Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian and Montenegrin. But are these all the same language? The answer, according to a group of linguists and NGOs from the four countries, is a resounding “yes”.

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What does the Serbo-Croatian declaration mean for language?

The aim of the declaration is to stimulate discussion on language “without the nationalistic baggage and to contribute to the reconciliation process”, says Daliborka Uljarevic, the Montenegrin partner behind the declaration. The insistence on calling Serbo-Croatian four different languages leads to endless absurdities.