
Is a plenty correct?

Is a plenty correct?

They can be placed before singular or plural countable and uncountable nouns. Although lots and plenty are acceptable in academic writing, their usage is considered to be informal. In formal academic writing, it is more appropriate to use many, much, and more.

Can I say plenty of people?

New Member. No, only “There are plenty of people” is correct. People is a plural noun in this context.

Are plenty or have plenty?

✗Don’t say: There is a plenty of evidence. You also use plenty of before a plural noun: There are plenty of opportunities to improve your skills. ✗Don’t say: There is plenty of opportunities. You say that something has plenty of a thing, quality etc: The town has plenty of nightlife.

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Is it grammatically correct to say “very much appreciate it”?

Is It Grammatically Correct To Say “Very Much Appreciate It”? “Very much appreciate it” is grammatically incorrect. Instead, you can say “I very much appreciate it” or “very much appreciated.” Both of those phrases are perfectly fine and grammatically correct to say that you’re thankful for something someone has done for you.

Is have plenty of (something) grammatical?

I have plenty of (something) is grammatical, because plenty of is a quantifier that may be placed before singular and plural countable and uncountable nouns. Its meaning is a large number or amount of (something) or a number or amount of (something) that is enough for a particular purpose.

Is it correct to say I have plenty of pencils?

There is plenty of sugar. In the sentence you ask, “I have plenty of (whatever)”, is grammatically correct: I have plenty of pencils. “Plenty” is one of quantifiers. It means more than enough. If it is used with countable or uncountable nouns, it should be followed by ‘of’. Here are some examples: She eats plenty of food.

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What happens if you don’t use proper punctuation and grammar?

If you don’t use proper punctuation and grammar, your sentence will be complex and long. What you will try to tell to your readers will become unclear which means they no longer can follow the flow of the meaning so you need to correct the sentence.