
Is .class file machine independent?

Is .class file machine independent?

class file in java is generated when you compile . since every machine or processor e.g. INTEL or AMD processor may have different instructions for doing the same thing, it’s left on JVM to translate bytecode into machine instruction and by this way, java achieves platform independence.

What is a code in .class file called?

A CLASS file is a compiled . JAVA file created by the Java compiler. It contains bytecode, which is binary program code that is executable when run by a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Why Java is called machine independent explain?

We can say that Java is platform independent because the java interpretor also known as java virtual machine ,converts the java class file into java byte code . This java byte code is machine independent,i.e,it does not depends on which machine it is run.

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What is the difference between codes and machine codes?

What is the difference between a mnemonic code and machine code? There is no difference. Machine codes are in binary, mnemonic codes are in shorthand English. Machine codes are in shorthand English, mnemonic codes are in binary.

Is class file platform dependent?

A Java class file is a file (with the . class filename extension) containing Java bytecode that can be executed on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This makes Java applications platform-independent.

What is meant by platform independence?

The meaning of platform-independent is that the java compiled code(byte code) can run on all operating systems. A program is written in a language that is a human-readable language. Therefore, a compiler is a program that translates the source code for another program from a programming language into executable code.

Why bytecode is called bytecode?

The name bytecode stems from instruction sets that have one-byte opcodes followed by optional parameters.

Is .class file a bytecode?

Yes, a Java class file is a file containing Java bytecode that can be executed on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

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What is called machine independent?

machine-independent A term applied to software that is not dependent on the properties of a particular machine, and can therefore be used on any machine. Such software is also described as portable. A Dictionary of Computing. “machine-independent .”

Which of the following is machine independent?

Answer: A Machine Independent language is one that can run on any machine. An example of this would be Java. Because of the Java Virtual Machine or JVM it can take the compiled code for any given Java App and run it on the machine you are attempting to run it on.

Why Assembler is a machine dependent?

Assembly language is machine-dependent, yet mnemonics used to represent instructions in it are not directly understandable by machine and high-Level language is machine-independent. A computer understands instructions in machine code, i.e. in the form of 0s and 1s.

Why Java is called machine independent?

When Java is compiled it is converted to byte code which is then executed by the Java Interpreter by translating byte code to machine language. Any machine for which Java interpreter is available can execute his byte code. That’s why Java is called Machine Independent.

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What is a class file in Java?

Java Class File. A Java class file is a file containing Java bytecode and having .class extension that can be executed by JVM. A Java class file is created by a Java compiler from .java files as a result of successful compilation.

Why Java is called platform independent?

The java compiler converts this java byte code into respective machine code according to the machine it is run on. Since program in java neither depends on software or hardware of the machine it is running, hence it is called platform independent.

How Java is platform independent just because of bytecode?

How java is platform independent just because of Bytecode (i.e. Bytecode is the machine understandable code of the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) ) By using Bytecode execution java proves it is a platform independent language. Here, is the process of java bytecode execution. → javac (sample. class) → JVM (sample.obj) → display final output.