
Is it good for a man to be sensitive?

Is it good for a man to be sensitive?

“There is nothing weak about men being sensitive, and until that stigma really gets challenged, men need to trust that their sensitivity can only help them, especially in their various relationships,” says Fierstein.

Is it normal for a man to be emotional?

Be part of the solution by sincerely encouraging men to help them express emotions better. To help men you have to help them get rid of their hesitation in sharing their emotions. We must accept the fact that expressing emotion and crying are normal tendencies for all people, regardless of gender.

What does it mean when a man is sensitive?

Being sensitive is being kind, caring, able to pick up on the feelings of others, and aware of their needs and behaving in a way that helps them feel good.

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Is being emotionally sensitive a bad thing?

The next time someone says you’re always so sensitive, remember that it’s totally normal. And it’s not a bad thing either. You may feel positive emotions more deeply than others, too. Think joy, excitement, and happiness.

Do sensitive guys make good boyfriends?

It might require a change on your part as well. You may need to reach out or reciprocate more, be a little less critical, and a bit more appreciative, but in the end you’ll likely learn that sensitive men make the best boyfriends and are more likely to go the distance.

Should a man cry?

It is completely normal and healthy to cry. I view a man’s ability to cry and be vulnerable as strength. It is attractive to me. If a man can cry, he is comfortable enough in himself to express his emotions in a healthy way.”

Do mens feelings matter?

“’This study suggests that men feel emotion just as much as women, sometimes more strongly, but are less willing to express these emotions openly due to expectations put on them by society.

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How do you deal with an emotional man?


  1. Pay attention to what the person is saying and particularly to what he / she seems to be feeling.
  2. Listen closely to the person and his / her concerns.
  3. If the person is angry or tearful, don’t run away from or avoid the emotion.
  4. Don’t try to calm the other person down just to make you feel more comfortable.

Is it OK to be an emotional person?

Feeling a wide range of emotions is a normal part of the human experience. There is no shame in being emotional, especially when life’s circumstances trigger powerful emotions. When a person’s emotions interfere with their relationships or feel overwhelming, they may worry that they are too emotional.