
Is it okay to separate music from the artist?

Is it okay to separate music from the artist?

Because art is so personal, musicians, visual artists, filmmakers and other artists cannot be separated from their creations. In addition to being a personal expression, art can also be a means of income.

Do artists listen to other artists?

Listening to other artists songs and albums is probably one of the best ways to channel this inner creativity. Artists, especially ones with production labels, are also always listening to “unknown” or underground music trying to find talented artists to possibly sign or invest in.

Do artists like listening to their own music?

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In conclusion, yes, many musicians do listen to their own music. A lot do simply because they enjoy it, while many also do it to learn and get better. You shouldn’t feel embarrassed listing to your own songs, if you want other people to listen to it, you should be able to as well.

Can you listen to just one artist on Spotify?

– To have only the most famous songs you have to create your own artist playlist and include only songs you want and play it randomly also. – You can also make a search by “artist name” and see if an artist playlist already exists. If it’s the case usually you will have the hits included.

Can you support the art but not the artist?

People often say: “I’m supporting the art, not the artist.” But, is that really possible? The short answer is, obviously, no. No matter how you may feel in your heart of hearts about a person, they benefit financially and, thus, socially, from you purchasing their content.

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What are problematic artists?

Problematic Artists/Bands

  • Dimmu Borgir. Supports abuse & degradation of women.
  • Satyricon. Another culprit for the normalization of violence against women, most notably in the video for Fuel For Hatred.
  • Pink Floyd.
  • Nightwish.
  • Toby Fox.
  • Iron Maiden.
  • Nirvana.
  • Manowar.

Do famous musicians listen to music?

So yes, musicians listen to music, that’s what inspires them in the first place to make their own music and express themselves. Every major artist or a band has at least one musician who inspired them to make their own music.

What kind of music do artists listen to?

Folk, blues, country and modern jazz are also popular. From what I can gather, it is more about the tempo and the “feel” of the music that an artist seeks out than a genre. A lot of artists say they like listening to music in languages they don’t speak — so that the songs become more sound than words.

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Do artists hate music?

Musicians aren’t always fans of their own music, and some stars even dislike their biggest hits. Zayn Malik has said a lot of negative things about the music he made while in the band One Direction. Madonna has said she would prefer to never sing “Like A Virgin” ever again.

Can you shuffle artist on Spotify?

Shuffle any playlist, album, or artist profile to mix up what plays next. Great for long playlists, switching up your listening, or when you just don’t feel like following orders. Tap Shuffle play .

How do you play artist discography on Spotify?

Here’s how I do it:

  1. click on the artist’s page, the one that shows all the albums and tracks.
  2. stop any music if it’s playing.
  3. click on the shuffle icon at the bottom.
  4. select all by CTRL + A (not sure how you do this on the Mac)
  5. hit play.

Can a person like the art without liking the artist?