
Is Julian Bashir like Khan?

Is Julian Bashir like Khan?

Comparing Khan to Bashir is difficult. Bashir is probably smarter than Khan, and his eye-hand coordination is outstanding (aiding both his surgical skills and prowess at darts). But there’s nothing to show he’s any stronger than an unenhanced human, and Bashir lacks Khan’s ruthlessness and fighting skill.

Is Dr Bashir genetically engineered?

Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet-managed Bajoran space station Deep Space Nine. Lewis Zimmerman comes to DS9 to create a medical hologram based on Dr. Bashir, leading to the revelation that Bashir was genetically modified as a child.

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What rank is Julian Bashir?

Julian Bashir
Family Richard Bashir (father) Amsha Bashir (mother)
Posting Deep Space Nine USS Defiant
Position Chief Medical Officer
Rank Lieutenant, Junior Grade Season 1-3 Lieutenant Season 4-7

Is Dr Bashir A Dominion spy?

One evening, Dr. Bashir treats Chief O’Brien’s dislocated shoulder. Sloan proposes that, when Bashir was imprisoned by the Dominion the previous year, he was persuaded to become a Dominion spy but repressed his memories of the choice, allowing him to believe he was a loyal Starfleet officer.

Who is Dr Bashir Aliyu Umar?

Imam Al-Furqan Mosque Kano State. Dr Bashir was educated in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria in Electrical Engineering. His work involved advising the Kano State Government on Shari’ah related issues in governmental affairs and supervising the Government’s Shari’ah implementation programme. …

Does Bashir marry Ezri?

In the theoretical eighth season story pitch in the DS9 documentary What We Left Behind, Ezri is captain of the USS Emmett Till and is married to Dr. Bashir. She is depicted as wearing the future uniform which first appeared in “All Good Things…”, as well as in “The Visitor” and “Endgame”.

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Who does Bashir end up with?

However, he eventually becomes friends with O’Brien, Jadzia Dax, and Elim Garak. Bashir flirts with Jadzia, who rejects his advances and goes on to marry Worf.

Who plays Prince Doran Martell?

Alexander SiddigGame of Thrones
Doran Martell/Played by

What was Bashir’s first surgery on DS9?

( DS9: ” Doctor Bashir, I Presume “) One of Julian’s most prized possessions as a child was his stuffed teddy bear, Kukalaka. When Julian was a boy, he took him everywhere he went. In 2346, at the tender age of five, Bashir performed his first surgery when he re-stuffed his well-worn Kukalaka.

Why did The Bashirs keep Julian’s enhancements a secret?

Further treatments led to improvements in his hand-eye coordination, reflexes, vision, stamina, height, and weight. Genetic engineering of this kind was illegal in the Federation since the Eugenics Wars and the creation of the deadly superhuman Khan Noonien Singh, so the Bashirs kept Julian’s enhancements secret.

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Did Bashir deliberately get the question wrong in Star Trek?

The part of Bashir’s psyche embodied by Elim Garak in “Distant Voices” implied that Bashir deliberately got the question wrong. This was perhaps to cover-up his genetic status, as was later revealed in “Doctor Bashir, I Presume”.

Could Bashir’s secret be revealed in Deep Space 9?

Doctor Lewis Zimmerman arrives on Deep Space 9 to use Bashir as the model for his new Long-term Medical Hologram, but his plans could unveil a dark secret that Bashir has carried since childhood.