
Is Meticulosity a word?

Is Meticulosity a word?

Archaic Excessively careful and precise.

What does Tenour mean?

tenour (plural tenours) The (primary) intended message or purpose of something. The tone or character of something; the tenor of something. The relevant and purposeful content of a directive. An abstract; a summation of a document or directive.

What does Tenureship mean?

1 : the act, right, manner, or term of holding something (such as a landed property, a position, or an office) especially : a status granted after a trial period to a teacher that gives protection from summary dismissal.

What does laterally mean?

1 : of or relating to the side a lateral view. 2 : situated on, directed toward, or coming from the side the lateral branches of a tree. 3 : extending from side to side the lateral axis of an airplane.

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How do you say Meticulosity?

Phonetic spelling of meticulosity

  1. metic-u-los-ity.
  2. metic-u-los-i-ty. IzaacG.
  3. me-tic-u-los-ity. Manley Koepp.

What is meticulous person?

adjective. taking or showing extreme care about minute details; precise; thorough: a meticulous craftsman;meticulous personal appearance. finicky; fussy: meticulous adherence to technicalities.

What does tenure mean for doctors?

Academia A status granted to a person with a ‘terminal’ degree–eg, doctor of medicine–MD or doctor of philosophy–PhD, after a trial period, which protects him/her from summary dismissal; tenured academicians are expected to assume major duties in research, teaching and, if applicable, Pt care fostering, through their …

What does during her tenure mean?

status granted to an employee, usually after a probationary period, indicating that the position or employment is permanent.

What does it mean to have 10 year?

A decade is a period of 10 years.

What is ten year in a job?

Having tenure actually means that a professor has earned special status at a college or university that comes with certain job protections that increase job security. Tenure for college professors has been around since 1940 and is still a vital part of higher-education academia today.

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How do you use lateral in a sentence?

Lateral in a Sentence 🔉

  1. A beam runs along the top of the bridge, offering lateral support to the structure.
  2. Instead of jumping up and down, I placed a pile of books under both ends of a pole and jumped in a lateral direction.

What is lateral example?

Lateral means to the side of, or away from, the middle of the body. Examples: The ears are lateral to the nose. The arms are lateral to the chest.

What does the word “since” mean?

When used to express time, the word “since” means: — from a time in the past until the present — from a time in the past until another time in the past.

Can you put since at the end of a sentence?

When the word since is used at the end of the sentence, it is an adverb in use. What it means is from a specified time in the past til a later past time, or til now. You may also see ever since at the end of the sentence.

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How do you use since as a conjunction?

Since is used as a causal conjunction (and has been since the 16th century) in the same way that because is used: Since you ate the ice cream last night, we don’t have any dessert tonight. Usage mavens of the 20th century rejected this use. Since as a conjunction can refer both to causation and to the passage of time

Can you use because and as in the same sentence?

As will garner more criticism if you use it as a causal conjunction, but if you need the formality of as, make sure that the sentence can’t be misconstrued at all by substituting in both because and while in your sentence. When in doubt, you can always default to because, since no one finds fault with it.