
Is Russian or French more useful?

Is Russian or French more useful?

French is by far, more useful. But Russian is pimp beyond reproach. If you’re going for “most useful”, I’d thinking Chinese, Japanese, or Spanish would be the pick. If you’re going for “easy”, I’d say German.

Which language should I learn Spanish or Russian?

There are levels of difficulty in language learning, and since you are an English/German native speaker, spanish will come easier for you than Russian, you could learn spanish first, since it’ll take you about a 24 weeks or so, and then take on Russian that will take you around 44 weeks to learn.

What is the best language to learn as a second language?

All in all, Mandarin is the best language to learn because of its growing economy and number of language speakers. Spanish and Arabic are next for the the top spots for the best language to learn abroad because of the sheer demand and job opportunities for them.

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Should I study French or Russian?

In terms of practicality, it depends where you’re going to work. If you want to work in Africa or western Europe, then you should learn French or German. If you want to work in Eastern Europe, the Baltics or in Central Asia, then Russian might be more suited for you.

Which is easier to learn Spanish or French?

Spanish is arguably somewhat easier for the first year or so of learning, in large part because beginners may struggle less with pronunciation than their French-studying colleagues. However, beginners in Spanish have to deal with dropped subject pronouns and four words for “you,” while French only has two.

Is Spanish a critical language?

Critical languages are those less commonly taught languages in which the demand for proficient speakers exceeds supply. This is especially true of all world languages besides a few that are most commonly taught in schools, namely, Spanish, French, and to some extent, German.

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Is it easy to learn Russian and French at the same time?

Russian and french are hard to handle at the same time. The vocabulary in russian is hard and one need to pay full attention to russian but that doesn’t mean it will be easier to learn french. Every language need a considerable amount of time to master it. Since both these languages are unknown to you.

Is it easier to learn Spanish with English or French?

English owns nearly half its vocabulary to the French language, making French vocabulary that much easier to learn. Memorizing lists of vocabulary will be thus reduced while learning French, then the grammar and lexical similarities between ” les langues latines” (latin languages) will make it easier for you to take on Spanish some time later.

Why should you learn French?

After all, learning a language you love is the best way to remain motivated and achieve a higher language competency level. Compared to Spanish in general terms, French has a higher appeal, known as the language of love and class. There are many books in history, architecture, and arts that are written only in French.

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Why pick French as your second language?

But here are 5 reasons why you should rethink that statement and pick French as ” seconde langue ” (second language) instead: If you’re an English native, you already speak some French! English owns nearly half its vocabulary to the French language, making French vocabulary that much easier to learn.