
Is SPOJ good for competitive programming?

Is SPOJ good for competitive programming?

SPOJ has a good community that provides help if you are facing issues in coding. You can start solving problems with maximum submission and follow or check the submission of good coders here. Once you solved around 50-70 problems and build some confidence, you can participate in different contests.

How can I get better at competitive programming codeforces?

So yes, the best strategy to improve your competitive programming skill is to practice a lot, but you must solve gradually harder problems, not just the easy ones. Get out of your comfortable zone and challenge yourself. For example, if you solve problems on Codeforces: Sort by number of people who solved it.

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How can I become expert in codeforces in 6 months?

Ahmadsm2005’s blog

  1. Always train CP with a target.
  2. Train with your friends.
  3. Always take rating seriously and compete online in many sites.
  4. Always expect a reward.
  5. Learn new algorithms and data structures.
  6. Don’t solve too easy problems.
  7. Always try to solve problems you don’t get during a real contest.

How do you focus on competitive programming?

Points to focus on while doing Competitive Programming

  1. Make a list of functions to perform tasks that are encountered frequently in questions and add them to your code in the form of a template.
  2. Focus on constraints while thinking of an approach to solve the problem.

How can I improve my implementation skills?

3 Ways to Improve Your Strategy Implementation

  1. Be S.M.A.R.T. While most improvement plans have a series of goals, it’s important to make sure the goals are SMART- Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Results-driven, and Time-bound.
  2. Now Be S.M.A.R.T-ER.
  3. Be R.A.C.I.
  4. Get Started on Your Improvement Strategy Today.
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How do I get 1600 in CodeForces?

You won’t get to 1600 if you don’t practice, you don’t have to do it on the blog’s way, but you should practice….

  1. Step 1: from 1000(grey) to 1200(green)
  2. Step 2: from 1200(green) to 1400(cyan)
  3. Step 3: from 1400(cyan) to 1600(blue)

Is solving easy programming questions a good way to improve?

Solving easy questions is a good idea when you need to get used to competitive programming tasks, build up basic coding skills or improve your self-esteem a bit 🙂 But it won’t bring you to a top level. Obviously after solving easy tasks it is time to move to a harder ones. And most simple♮ way to improve in something is by practicing it.

Why do some people get better at competitive programming than others?

For some people, who came into competitive programming with wide knowledge in math and things like that – it actually works this way; some people reach quite good level after solving same number of problems, but they are working on a harder tasks (which leads to a better improvement).

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How to do math for competitive programming?

Must do Math for Competitive Programming 1 Use Simple Sieve to find all primes up to square root of ‘n’ and store these primes in an array “prime []”. Store the… 2 We need all primes in range [0..n-1]. We divide this range in different segments such that size of every segment is… 3 Do following for every segment [low..high] More

Can you start competitive coding without any mathematical background?

You can definitely start competitive coding without any mathematical background. But maths becomes essential as you dive deep into the world of CP. A majority of the Competitive Coding problems that you’ll encounter will have some mathematical logic or trick.