
Is Urdu similar to Persian?

Is Urdu similar to Persian?

Persian and Urdu (Hindustani) are distinct languages. Unlike Persian, which is an Iranian language, Urdu is an Indo-Aryan language, written in the Perso-Arabic script; Urdu has a Indic vocabulary base derived from Sanskrit and Prakrit, with specialised vocabulary being borrowed from Persian.

Is Urdu a mix of Persian and Hindi?

Urdu is in fact almost a mix of Hindi/Farsi.” The Urdu Language website claims, “Urdu vocabulary contains approximately 70\% Farsi and the rest being a mix of Arabic and Turkish.”

Is Persian similar to Hindi?

No, Hindi is totally different than Persian. Both the script and speech are different. Yes, there are some Persian words used/included in Hindi, and some words are coincidentally quite similar, but both are totally different languages.

What language is Urdu most similar to?

Urdu is closely related to Hindi, a language that originated and developed in the Indian subcontinent. They share the same Indo-Aryan base and are so similar in phonology and grammar that they appear to be one language.

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Can Persian speakers understand Urdu?

No, Urdu and Persian are not mutually intelligible. They use the same script(Urdu uses a modified Persian script).

Is Urdu better than Farsi?

Grammatically it’s very different. In general Urdu is more complex and Persian is simpler. The main difference between Urdu and Persian is their verb roots. Urdu largely keep those verb roots from its Indo-Aryan Prakrit origin while Persian is solidly an Iranian language.

Is Farsi easy for Urdu speakers?

Originally Answered: How hard is it for a native Urdu speaker to learn Farsi (Persian)? Given the writting is quite similar it is quite easy for Urdu speakers to read the language. When it comes to speaking the two languages are very distinct from one another. The accents and pronunciations vary quite significantly .

Can Urdu speakers understand Persian?

Which language is similar to Persian?

Negar: عربی (arabi), Michael: is another language that shares many, many similarities with Persian. In fact, much like Urdu, it’s estimated that Arabic shares more than 70\% of its language with Persian.

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Can Dari speakers understand Urdu?

They understand urdu because urdu has their language as a component of its mixture. And if talked about pakistanis..they under stand persian but if mostly cannot than its means they have no interest. Being a native Urdu speaker my self (Family being from UP now settled in Karachi post-partition).