
Was revan more powerful than Anakin?

Was revan more powerful than Anakin?

On statements, Anakin stomps. Yoda, Windu & Sidious wonder if he isn’t the most powerful among them (which is the case, but he has least expierience or mastery of the force (between him & yods & sidious)). Anakin wins a hard-fought duel against Revan Reborn. Anakin stomps Darth Revan.

What if Darth Revan trained Anakin?

Revan would have much to teach Anakin, helping him become a more balanced and perfect Force User. Neither belonging to the Light or Dark but the entirety of the Force itself. Revan I think would see much of himself in his younger days in Anakin and would be quick to snatch him from both Palpatine and the Order.

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Would Anakin have been the most powerful force user?

Prior to his defeat on Mustafar, Anakin Skywalker was the single most powerful Force user in the known galaxy. In a direct brute Force contest, Anakin Skywalker would sweep the floor with anyone. The ability to use the Force is a powerful edge against any foe, but it isn’t everything.

Does Mace Windu hate Anakin?

Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker were two Jedi always at odds with each other. From the moment they met in The Phantom Menace, they viewed each other with suspicion, distrust, and skepticism. Mace Windu had no interest in training Anakin when he first arrived, and regarded him with distrust through his entire career.

Why do Sith get yellow eyes?

Sith have yellow eyes amongst other ailments as caused by being corrupted by the dark side. Eyes are a window to the soul and the soul of a Sith is fiery and corrupted as shown by their eyes. As well as yellow eyes their skin gets paler and seems as though all the life is being sucked out of them to fuel the dark side.

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How did Darth Revan become so powerful?

As a result of his time as both a Jedi and a Sith, Revan was able to combine what he learned into a true balance of the force. This has allowed him to become one of the most powerful characters to ever live during his era.

Why is Darth Revan called the Mandalorian?

Regardless, Revan didn’t take up the title until his time during the Mandalorian Wars. Perhaps as a way of being recognizable, Revan’s title eventually became synonymous for centuries within the Star Wars lore.

Why is Revan so different from other Jedi?

This passivity extended all the way towards the time of Revan, in which he believed it was the Jedi’s duty to fight in the war and save the galaxy. This had resulted in Revan to be far more different Jedi compared to his contemporaries.

What is Revan’s real name in Star Wars?

10 In The Lore, Revan’s Real Name Is Unknown Although the character is known as Revan for pretty much all of his appearances, the title of Revan is actually his name. Or at least fans are unsure as it seems to be a debate as to whether or not that is his name. Regardless, Revan didn’t take up the title until his time during the Mandalorian Wars.