
Was the Night King waiting for Daenerys?

Was the Night King waiting for Daenerys?

Yes. He could have easily sacrificed a few thousand wights and overwhelmed Jon’s team by sheer force of numbers. Instead, he waited for weeks while Daenerys first flew to Eastwatch from Dragonstone, and then from Eastwatch to the frozen lake.

Who does Daenerys marry in the end?

Daenerys Targaryen
Family House Targaryen
Spouses Drogo Hizdahr zo Loraq
Significant others Daario Naharis Television: Jon Snow
Children Rhaego (stillborn), Drogon, Rhaegal, Viserion (Dragons)

Did the Night King know dragons were coming?

Simply put, the Night King was prepared for battle. He knew the terrain. He knew how to trap Jon Snow’s men and he knew exactly what was coming. The Night King’s entire plan revolved around waiting for Daenerys and her dragons to arrive – Viserion being the target.

Do Jon Snow and Daenerys stay together?

After all, Jon and Daenerys remained in love and stayed together even after finding out that they were related, so that was not a big problem for them. Daenerys could have proposed that they rule Westeros together, but she seemed to want to secure her place on the throne without no one else, not even her lover.

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Why did the Ice King not burn?

What’s more likely is that the Night King’s magic is so powerful – and so connected to the cold – that it is able to withstand fire. This would also explain why he can only be killed by Valyrian steel – this fire magic is the only thing that can destroy the ice magic that the Night King possesses.

How old was Daenerys when she married Khal Drogo?

Dany was 13 years old, when she married Drogo. Khal Drogo was 26 years old back then.

Who is night king actor?

Richard BrakeGame of Thrones
Vladimír FurdíkGame of Thrones
Night King/Voiced by