
Was there an alien civilization on Earth before human beings?

Was there an alien civilization on Earth before human beings?

The question whether an Alien Civilization existed on Earth before Human beings has been explored by both Ancient Astronaut Theorists like Zechariah Sitchin as well as by Independent researchers like Graham Hancock who all consider the evidence provided by Out Of Place Artifacts.

Are out of place artifacts evidence of an alien civilization?

Zechariah Sitchin and other proponents of the Ancient Astronaut Theory suggest that Out Of Place Artifacts are evidence of an Alien Civilization, whilst others like Graham Hancock suggest that these Out Of Place Artifacts are only evidence of Lost a Human Civilization rather than an Alien Civilization.

Are aliens visiting the Earth?

A strange theory, found in most of the books by Erich von Dankinen, a Swiss writer, claims that aliens have been visiting the Earth since the pre-history of time, and aliens who have come from heaven have helped their ancestors to evolve.

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How did aliens infect US?

To explain how the aliens infected us, the theory employs another fringe favorite: chemtrails. Basically, humans were sprayed with toxic fumes in the same way that farmers spray their crops with pesticides. Possibly, this happened for the same reason—or maybe just for the sake of experimentation.

Why do aliens keep coming to Earth?

In movie after movie, aliens come here for our precious resources, usually water. At first glance that makes sense; after all, 70 percent of Earth is covered in water. But on second glance that logic falls apart.

How do humans fight aliens?

In books and on screen we have spanning epics in which human beings bravely do battle against these mysterious intruders with their wits and whatever weapons they have at hand. In the end, they send the alien invaders back to from whence they came or destroy them outright. Go humans, right?