
What are some examples of cultural competence?

What are some examples of cultural competence?

For example, educators who respect diversity and are culturally competent:

  • have an understanding of, and honour, the histories, cultures, languages, traditions, child rearing practices.
  • value children’s different capacities and abilities.
  • respect differences in families’ home lives.

What is an example of being culturally sensitive?

➢Example: People who seamlessly interact with others from different cultures by following the norms of that culture. They feel that they can respect their own values while adapting to the values of other cultures they interact with.

What two or three strategies can you use to develop cultural competence?

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How do I become culturally competent?

  • Learn about yourself. Get started by exploring your own historical roots, beliefs and values, says Robert C.
  • Learn about different cultures.
  • Interact with diverse groups.
  • Attend diversity-focused conferences.
  • Lobby your department.

What can health care and social service workers do to improve care and service to ethnic elders?


  • Provide interpreter services.
  • Recruit and retain minority staff.
  • Provide training to increase cultural awareness, knowledge, and skills.
  • Coordinate with traditional healers.
  • Use community health workers.
  • Incorporate culture-specific attitudes and values into health promotion tools.

How can you provide culturally competent care to others?

There are many things nurses can do to provide culturally sensitive care to an increasingly diverse nation:

  1. Awareness.
  2. Avoid Making Assumptions.
  3. Learn About Other Cultures.
  4. Build Trust and Rapport.
  5. Overcome Language Barriers.
  6. Educate Patients About Medical Practices.
  7. Practice Active Listening.

What are some examples of cultural barriers in healthcare?

These include family roles, body language, concept of justice, notions of modesty, core values, family values, beliefs and assumptions, rules of conduct, expectations, gestures, and childrearing practices, all of which have been shown to influence our perception and approaches to health and medicine.

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What is ethnocentrism example?

Ethnocentrism is the term anthropologists use to describe the opinion that one’s own way of life is natural or correct. An example of ethnocentrism in culture is the Asian cultures across all the countries of Asia. Throughout Asia, the way of eating is to use chopsticks with every meal.

How do you promote cultural sensitivity?


  1. Get training for global citizenship.
  2. Bridge the culture gap with good communication skills.
  3. Practice good manners.
  4. Celebrate traditional holidays, festivals, and food.
  5. Observe and listen to foreign customers and colleagues.

How can human service professionals promote the development of culturally sensitive services?

Strategies To Build Trust with Clients Use inclusive language in written and verbal discussions. Ask each client for their preferred pronouns, even when you feel sure of their gender. Normalizing the concept of preferred pronouns can help communities become more aware and accepting of gender-nonconforming people.

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What resources could help you to become more informed regarding cultural diversity?

General Resources

  • Addiction Technology Transfer Centers.
  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality–Minority Health.
  • American Translators Association.
  • Center for Research on Ethnicity, Culture, and Health.
  • Community Toolbox: Cultural Competence in a Multicultural World.
  • The Cross Cultural Health Care Program.

What does today’s nurse need to take into consideration when providing care for a diverse patient population?

It involves an awareness and acceptance of cultural differences, self-awareness, knowledge of a patient’s culture, and adaptation of skills.”

How can the nurse ensure culturally competent care?