
What are some good quiz questions?

What are some good quiz questions?

The best general knowledge quiz questions. What’s the biggest animal in the world? How many times has Andy Murray won Wimbledon playing singles? Which country is brie cheese originally from?

What is the hardest quiz question ever?


  • What is the world’s smallest country? (
  • What are the first three books of The Old Testament? (
  • How many sides does a dodecahedron have? (
  • What were the names of Henry VIII’s six wives? (
  • Banksy is most associated with which city? (
  • What nationality was Charlie Chaplin? (
  • What are the names of the five oceans? (

How do you get really good at quizzes?

Well, fear not, there is nothing to worry about, and here are ten ways for you to improve your quizzing skills.

  1. Do More Quizzes.
  2. Set Quizzes For Other People.
  3. Follow Sport.
  4. Watch TV Quizzes.
  5. Listen To Music.
  6. Watch TV Series.
  7. Read The Newspaper.

What is a quick quiz?

About QuickQuiz. QuickQuiz allows you to build and deploy quizzes to your team via Slack. These quizzes can be used to reinforce and confirm knowledge on product, policies, technology, company direction, market trends, etc.

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Who has a neck but no head?

The answer to the “who is that with a neck and no head” riddle is “a shirt”. There you have it!

What are some tricky questions?

50+ trick questions (or riddles) that are the perfect mix of funny and perplexing. 1. What two things can you never eat for breakfast? Lunch and dinner. 2. What gets wetter the more it dries? A towel. 3. What word is spelled incorrectly in every single dictionary? Incorrectly. 4. What never asks a question but gets answered all the time?

What is the hardest question to answer?

The hardest interview question to answer is the one that goes to the heart of your soft spot. In order to bring yourself confidently into the interview conversation with no hesitation, you must contemplate your soft spot and get altitude on it.

What are some tricky math questions?

5 Grade School Math Problems That Are So Hard, You’ll Wonder How You Ever Made it To High School What’s the Question Mark? Let’s start off super simple. The Bat & The Ball A bat and a ball cost one dollar and ten cents in total. The bat costs a dollar more than the ball. To Switch or Not to Switch Imagine you’re on a game show, and you’re given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a million dollars, and behind

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What are trick questions?

A trick question is one that has a non-obvious answer, often a pun or play on words.