
What are the 4 body parts?

What are the 4 body parts?

The human body is a single structure but it is made up of billions of smaller structures of four major kinds: cells, tissues, organs and systems.

Which body part has the longest name?

The levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle is, translated from Latin, the “lifter of both the upper lip and of the wing of the nose”.

What alphabet is a part of our body?

The only English letter in our body the letter O.

What are the parts of body?

On the outside human anatomy consists of the five basic parts, the head, neck, torso, arms and legs. However, beneath the skin there are countless biological and chemical interactions that keep the human body machine ticking over.

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What are the parts of human body?

The Human Body

  • Circulatory system.
  • Respiratory system.
  • Digestive system.
  • Skeletal system.
  • Muscular system.
  • Nervous system.
  • Reproductive system (female)
  • Reproductive system (male)

What is the weirdest part of your body?

Ten weird body parts you didn’t know you still had – from claw retractors to a third eyelid

  • 1) A tail. Before you were born, you had a tail, albeit only for a few weeks.
  • 2) Third eyelid.
  • 3) Wisdom teeth.
  • 4) Darwin’s Point.
  • 5) Ear wigglers.
  • 6) Another nose.
  • 7) Claw retractor.
  • 8) Baby animal grip.

What is a weird body part name?

pinna—visible part of the ear. canthus—corners on either side of the eye, right where the upper and lower lids come together. glabella—flat area just above the nose, in between the eyebrows. naris—nostril (plural = nares).

What is a 4 letter word?

4-letter words

  • able.
  • acid.
  • aged.
  • also.
  • area.
  • army.
  • away.
  • baby.

What’s a 4 letter word that starts with I?

4-letter words starting with I

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Iaai IaaS
iced icer
ices ICEV
icey ICFs
ichs icky

Which alphabet is a line?

The alphabet O is symmetric along a vertical line. The alphabets P, Q, R, and S are not symmetric along a vertical line. The alphabets T, U, V, W, X and Y also possess vertical symmetry as the line divides then equally in both the parts.

Which alphabet is a drink answer?

T (Tea) is the letter of the alphabet is a drink.