
What aspects make a good astrologer?

What aspects make a good astrologer?

* A good astrologer should have deep and sound knowledge of astrology. He must know how to read the horoscope and planetary positions. A knowledge of geography and mathematics will be an asset for an astrologer. A good astrologer should know this knowledge comes with sincere study and years of practice and experience.

What is the strongest aspect in astrology?

Conjunctions are said to be the most powerful aspect, mutually intensifying the effects of the planets involved; they are major point in an individual’s chart. Whether the conjunction in question is regarded as beneficial or detrimental depends on the specific planets involved.

What is the rarest aspect in astrology?

The rarest conjunction is Jupiter and Saturn conjunction because these are very slow-moving in comparison to other planets.

How do I choose an astrologer?

Always choose a person who is spiritual in nature. Best Astrologer will have their 8th house of D-24 chart will be enlightened with a benefic. Best Astrologers always give your chart sufficient time. Don’t be hurry in finishing the consultation.

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What are the equipment of an astrologer?

Answer: The astrologer’s professional equipment consisted of a dozen cowrie shells, a square piece of cloth with obscure mystic charts on it, a notebook and a bundle of palmyra writing.

What questions should I ask my astrologer?

5 Great Questions to Ask An Astrologer

  • According to my natal chart, what are my natural gifts and talents?
  • What is the lesson I’m supposed to learn in this life (ask them to check your North Node!)
  • What do I need to know about how I give and receive love?
  • What do I need to know about money and my relationship to it?

What are bad aspects in astrology?

Of the five major aspects, some are considered hard aspects, or angles that bring about more difficulty and struggle. Those are opposition and square. The easy aspects (sometimes known as soft aspects) are sextile and trine, and are considered to be gentler, and more positive and auspicious.

How rare is a Grand Cross in astrology?

Let me start by saying that having a Grand Cross in your birth chart is pretty rare. Your birth chart is a diagram of where all the planets in the solar system were on the day you were born. Like your birth sign, a Grand Cross in your birth chart will always exist and will impact your life in a number of ways.

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What do T squares mean astrology?

A T-square in astrology is a geometric formation in a horoscope made up of two or more planets/points in opposition (180 degrees apart) that are squared by one or more other planets/points (90 degrees).

Which quality is not essential for becoming a successful astrologer?

Explanation: A person who predicts future events is called an astrologer. An astrologer should possess the characteristics of courage, confidence, and boldness to communicate with people. He should not lack courage or confidence as it can cause damage to his career.

What did the astrologer tells his wife?

After dinner he told his wife that a great load had gone because he thought that he had the blood of a man on his hands all those years. That was the reason why he ran away from home, settled there and married her. The man was alive.

What are the aspects of astrology?

There are five main aspects described by Ptolemy and agreed upon in general by the astrologers of the ancient world up through the renaissance and early modern era. These five aspects are as follows: the conjunction (0º), the opposition (180º), the trine (120º), the square (90º), and the sextile (60º).

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Why is Indian astrology so famous worldwide?

Indian Astrology is famous worldwide. Astrology is the contribution of life long experiences of saints and seers. Today, this mode is very famous. There will be very less people who will be unaware about Astrology. Let us acknowledge the planetary combinations whose presence in the birth-chart will make the person capable to become an Astrologer.

What makes a person capable to become an astrologer?

Let us acknowledge the planetary combinations whose presence in the birth-chart will make the person capable to become an Astrologer. (1) To be an Astrologer, Mercury should be in a strong position in the birth-chart.

What is a square aspect in astrology?

For example, when two planets are around 90° from one another, we say that they’re in a “square” aspect (a square has four 90° angles). What that means is this: those two planets are in a relationship with the character of a “square.”