
What did the Allies do with Germany after the war?

What did the Allies do with Germany after the war?

During the Second World War, one of the major topics under discussion at conferences of the Allied leadership was how to deal with Germany after the war. The Allies agreed to a joint occupation, with each country taking charge of a larger zone and a sector of the nation’s capital, Berlin.

Why do you think the allies carved up Germany?

After WWII, the Allies were determined that Germany should not become powerful again. Germany had been the main cause of WWI and WWII and the Allies did not want Germany to be able to start another major war. The Allies also divided Germany because they did not really trust each other.

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Did the Allies entered Germany in ww1?

While the Allies continued to advance on the western front, Germany lost its partners: Ottoman Turkey signed a ceasefire and Austria-Hungary broke up into its component nationalities.

Why did Clemenceau punish Germany?

They believed it had the potential to cause a future war, and that a strong Germany was required to prevent the spread of Soviet Bolshevism. Clemenceau wanted to punish Germany so badly because most of the fighting on the Western Front took place in northern France, devastating an area the size of Wales.

What happened to Germany after World war 1?

At the end of World War I, Germans could hardly recognize their country. Up to 3 million Germans, including 15 percent of its men, had been killed. Germany had been forced to become a republic instead of a monarchy, and its citizens were humiliated by their nation’s bitter loss.

Why do you think the allies chose to divide up Germany and keep troops there to occupy their sector following the end of WWII?

Why do you suppose the allies chose to divide up Germany and keep troops their to occupy their “sector” following the end of WW2? To show administrative power. Truman, the American president, who took over after Roosevelt’s death, was angry leaving the Potsdam Conference.

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What happened in Germany after its military defeat?

This treaty ended the war by Germany accepting it. What happened in Germany after its military defeat? The new German republic had been saved but the attempt, however, left the German middle class with a deep fear of communism.

What did Germany lose as a result of WW1?

Under clause 231, the ‘War Guilt Clause’, Germany had to accept complete responsibility for the war. Germany lost 13\% of its land and 12\% of its population to the Allies. This land made up 48\% of Germany’s iron production and a large proportion of its coal productions limiting its economic power.

What factors led to the Allied Powers achieving victory in WWI?

In contrast, by 1918, the British had improved their tactics and equipment and the United States of America had arrived to support the Allied powers on the battlefields. It was combination of these factors that led to the Allied Powers achieving victory. Losing the war caused far reaching upheaval in Germany.

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What was life like in Germany after WW1?

Despite the war drawing to an end in 1918, conditions in Germany did not dramatically improve. Initially, Allied forces still blocked shipments of food and supplies from entering Germany. Although some food and supplies got through, these were sparse and therefore expensive.

What was the size of the German Army in WW1?

The German Army was limited to 100,000 soldiers, and the navy was limited to 15,000 sailors. As financial compensation for the war, the Allies also demanded large amounts of money known as ‘reparations’. The Treaty of Versailles was very unpopular in Germany and was viewed as extremely harsh.