
What does it mean for someone to be flaky?

What does it mean for someone to be flaky?

If you describe an idea, argument, or person as flaky, you mean that they are rather eccentric and unreliable.

What does it mean when a guy cancels on you?

Usually, when a guy cancels and doesn’t reschedule, it means that he doesn’t want to see you. But if you think that the guy genuinely forgot to reschedule, give it a try. Life is all about taking chances after all. See how fast he responds to your text.

What does flaky mean?

If you are flaky, you are off-beat and you probably don’t function in society quite like everyone else. If you say you’ll come to a party and then forget to show up, you are flaky. People are flaky (also spelled flakey) if they are wacky and unconventional, but to say someone is flaky is not really a compliment.

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What does it mean when a guy keeps rescheduling?

If a guy cancels but makes it a point to reschedule, it means that he takes you seriously and is looking forward to meeting you again. You now know what to text him when he cancels on dates.

Why do guys flake out on You?

When a guy flakes on you because he’s pursuing easier women to sleep with, he’s freeing up your time and your emotional energy to be with an actual high-value man. Guys who are only going for easy women are the bottom feeders of the dating world.

When a man asks to see you over the weekend?

Next time a man asks to see you “sometime over the weekend” but isn’t specific, don’t bother saving the date for him. You can say yes, then keep connecting with other men and feel free to make a date if that’s an option.

What does it mean when a guy says just hanging out?

Just be aware that “hanging out” is usually a casual thing. This is his excuse not to be buttoned up with date details because it’s just hanging out. If this is the case, don’t be fooled. He’s not serious about you at all. And since he’s not serious, you can do nothing because that’s how to respond to a flaky guy.

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Do you deserve to be flaked on Yourself by the guy you want?

If you find that you’re flaking on guys that maybe you’re not that interested in… and you’re constantly flaking on them for other guys… then you kind of deserve to be flaked on yourself by the guy that you really want. Stop that behavior immediately and start treating men the way you want them to treat you.