
What does it mean to be a contributor to Forbes?

What does it mean to be a contributor to Forbes?

The short answer is, just about anyone who has something relevant to say and a reason to say it there. contributors include professional journalists, some of whom turned to Forbes after they left or lost their full-time jobs in recent years.

How do you become a guest blogger on Forbes?

You can try to get a Guest Contributor spot on Forbes by first being published in their Opinion section. You can submit to this through the [email protected] email address as well. In short, you can submit an article of any length that expresses your opinion about topics covered on Forbes.

How do I become a Forbes contributing writer?

Most fail because they don’t prepare, and when they pitch, they pitch poorly. If you follow the steps I’ve outlined above you’re already in the 1\%. To show exactly how easy this can be, I just received this email from someone I’ve been communicating with who was able to get his boss into Forbes as a contributor.

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How do I become a Forbes writer?


  1. Love writing.
  2. Write a lot.
  3. Read a lot of Forbes posts.
  4. Collaborate and develop relationships with other Forbes contributors.
  5. Choose a focus.
  6. Prepare your posts for pitching.
  7. Know what to expect.

How do you become a contributing writer?

How to become a contributing writer?

  1. Step 1: Gain knowledge and experience to give credibility to your knowledge. Essentially the platforms you choose to write for are knowledge-sharing platforms with an extensive reach.
  2. Step 2: Pick a niche or a focus point.
  3. Step 3: Create a sample repository.
  4. Step 4: Get introduced.

How do you get mentioned in Forbes?

How to get a reporter to write an article for you on Forbes?

  1. Email outreach. From our experience, traditional email outreach is still the most effective way to get featured on Forbes.
  2. Social media outreach. Reaching out to reporters on social media is, in many ways, similar to email outreach.
  3. HARO (Help A Reporter Out)

What does it take to be a Forbes contributor?

Each of Forbes’ sections is owned by a different editor, which together with the assistant editors, manages, curates, and edits content provided by the contributors and staff writers. For the most part, contributors are expected to only post content in their original line of expertise.

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How do I apply to be a guest contributor on Forbes?

Applying through the Form. The simplest way to try and become a guest contributor is to use the Google Doc form Forbes created for this very purpose. It’s very simple. Go there, fill out your name, website, expertise, your “page” concept for Forbes, and provide examples of work.

How do I submit an article to Forbes?

Option 1: Check out their “ Submitting an Article to Forbes Opinion ” page. Submit your completed article of any length to [email protected] The content must be original and exclusive to Forbes. They will reject any content already published on other sites or in print.

Do you need a blog to get approved by Forbes?

This can and should mean your own blog. Forbes doesn’t just want words from you, they want your audience to come along, too. This means you have to have an audience. In the process of approval, the backlog of content will serve as a reference for your existence in the online sphere.