
What does slanted mean?

What does slanted mean?

1 : to give an oblique or sloping direction to. 2 : to interpret or present in line with a special interest : angle stories slanted toward youth especially : to maliciously or dishonestly distort or falsify. slant.

What is the meaning of political slant?

Political bias is a bias or perceived bias involving the slanting or altering of information to make a political position or political candidate seem more attractive. A lack of political neutrality is the result of political bias.

What is the meaning of slant and bias?

to veer or angle away from a given level or line, especially from a horizontal; slope. to have or be influenced by a subjective point of view, bias, personal feeling or inclination, etc. (usually followed by toward). a mental leaning, bias, or distortion: His mind shows a curious slant.

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How is slanted language can help you in communicating?

That language communicates both fact and feeling is one of its great powers. There would be no literature if it did not. Language only becomes “slanted” (deviating from the upright) when it is deceptive or manipulative rather than persuasive.

Why do we use slant?

Slanting the surface of the agar gives the bacteria a greater surface area on which to grow in a test tube. Furthermore, slants are created in test tubes that can be capped, which minimizes water loss. This is important because of the high moisture content of agar media.

What is an example of slanting?

Slant is defined as to tip something to the side, or to write or tell something with a point of view. An example of to slant is to tilt a photo to the side. An example of to slant is to write a news story with an extreme liberal agenda.

What is an example of slant?

The definition of a slant is an incline or a point of view. An example of a slant is an upward slope. An example of a slant is a conservative editorial approach in a newspaper. Slant means sloping.

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What is the synonym of slanted?

Words Related to slanted. asymmetrical. (or asymmetric), unbalanced, unsymmetrical.

What is slant in an article?

Being aware of slant in the writing world means that you write your article or book to a specific audience. For example, if you wanted to write an article on some aspect of finances you might start out with a serious slant such as “Why It is Important to Invest Your Money.”

What is slanted language example?

Saying someone “didn’t have the guts to fight back.” is a negative explanation of an event. Saying some “took the high road instead of taking a swing.” is a positive explanation of an event.

What is slanted evidence?

Slanting the evidence means that we use words in our description of the opposition’s argument that taint our readers’ perception of the opposition before they even read it.

What does slant mean in writing?

Being aware of slant in the writing world means that you write your article or book to a specific audience. You have done your homework by reading the guidelines and several issues of the magazine or several books by the same publishing house.

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What is the meaning of Slant in football?

Definition of slant (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : a slanting direction, line, or plane : slope. 2a : something that slants. b : slash sense 4. c : a football running play in which the ballcarrier runs obliquely toward the line of scrimmage.

What is an example of Slant in a sentence?

Examples of slant in a Sentence. The sunlight slanted down through the leaves and branches of the trees. She slanted her hat a little to the right. They deliberately slanted the story to make themselves look good. The computer keyboard is positioned at a slant so that typing is more comfortable for the wrists.

What does slant mean in medical terms?

Medical Definition of slant : a culture medium solidified obliquely in a tube so as to increase the surface area a blood-agar slant — compare stab sense 2a WORD OF THE DAY