
What does the phrase OK boomer mean?

What does the phrase OK boomer mean? has summed up “OK boomer” as “a viral internet slang phrase used, often in a humorous or ironic manner, to call out or dismiss out-of-touch or close-minded opinions associated with the Baby Boomer generation and older people more generally.” It’s a helpful explanation for someone who is trying to figure …

What do you say when someone says OK boomer?

Best comebacks to ‘ok boomer’

  • I prefer to be a boomer than to be a broke millennial.
  • You just don’t have any more arguments.
  • I may be a boomer, but I am still right.
  • Who’s paying for your internet, kid?
  • Back in my day, we respected our elders.
  • I am really hurt by your words.
  • Shouldn’t you be on TikTok right now?

How do you use OK boomer in a sentence?

It’s as if OK boomer says, “OK, you baby boomer. Go ahead and just keeping thinking your backwards, irrelevant thoughts that we’re just spoiled, tech-obsessed children when you’ve wrecked our job prospects and planet.” In 2019, memes, merchandise, songs, and many social media posts all helped further spread OK boomer.

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Is it rude to say OK Boomer?

Saying “OK boomer” one time does not legally qualify as harassing behavior. But frequent comments about someone’s age – for example, calling a colleague “old” and “slow”, “old fart” or even “pops” – can become harassment over time.

Why do teenagers say boomer?

They heard the phrase “OK, Boomer” and they just want to try it out. They may be instigating or seeking a reaction. They might know what a Baby Boomer is, or simply that a boomer is an “older” person, so if your kids say this to you, they may just be poking fun at your age.

What is Boomer age?

The United States Census Bureau defines baby boomers as “individuals born in the United States between mid-1946 and mid-1964”. Landon Jones, in his book Great Expectations: America and the Baby Boom Generation (1980), defined the span of the baby-boom generation as extending from 1946 through 1964.

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What does the name Boomer mean?

The name Boomer is primarily a gender-neutral name of American origin that means Large, Loud, Or Notable. A “Baby Boomer” is someone who is born in the years following World War II, when there was a temporary marked increase in the birth rate: approximately 1946-1965.

Is a 60 year old a Boomer?

What Are the Birth Years for the Baby Boomer Generation? Baby Boomers officially were born between 1946 through 1964. Sometimes, this range is 1943 through 1964. In all cases, it was the generation that was born just following the return of the military from World War II.

What is a boomer age?

Is OK Boomer a bad word?

Boomer is an informal noun referring to a person born during a baby boom, especially one born in the U.S. between 1946 and 1965. The n-word is one of the most offensive words in the English language. — (@Dictionarycom) November 4, 2019 Examples of OK boomer

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What does OKOK Boomer mean?

OK boomer can be used online to write off, usually to a humorous or mildly mocking effect, opinions that are perceived as emblematic of attitudes of boomers and older people more generally.

Why do we use the word ‘Boomer’ to take down baby boomers?

“We’re not using ‘boomer’ per se to take down people who were born after World War II in the baby boom. We’re using it in an ironic, often humorous, though sometimes malicious way as a catchall or stand-in for a set of attitudes.

Where does the OK boomer generation come from?

Sign up here for right in your inbox. Where does OK boomer come from? Boomer is an informal term for baby boomer, a person born during the baby boom (sharp increase in birthrates) after World War II. This generation generally includes anyone born in the US between 1946–65, a time of great economic prosperity.