
What does the silence do Doctor Who?

What does the silence do Doctor Who?

The Silence are a terrifying race who invaded Earth at an undetermined point in our history. They have powers of telepathy and can kill using a deadly discharge from their hands.

What is the question silence will fall?

Who’s There?) – was, according to the Teselecta’s computer, “the first question, the oldest question in the universe, hidden in plain sight.” It was the organising principle for the religious movement known as the Silence, who believed that “silence will fall when the Question is asked”.

Why is the Doctor’s grave on Trenzalore?

If the Doctor didn’t die on Trenzalore, he wouldn’t have had a grave there. So the Great Intelligence and Clara could not have entered his timestream. So he might not have chosen Clara as his companion, and would not have saved Gallifrey.

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Is Amy’s baby the doctors?

It seems clear that the child at the end of the episode was Amy’s future daughter. Now, we can explain away the Doctor’s involvement by saying something along the lines of “Amy was impregnated by a time-lord other than the Doctor”, but that doesn’t explain how she could be pregnant/not pregnant simultaneously.

What is the question that must never be asked?

This question was “the First Question, the oldest question in the universe, that must never be answered, hidden in plain sight”. Dorium Maldovar told the Eleventh Doctor that the question was: “Doctor who?”, which was a question the Doctor had been apparently running from his entire life.

Why did The Silence help the doctor on Trenzalore?

Rather than a specific race, The Silence are a religious order. Their agents on Earth have been there since before the dawn of mankind, directing human evolution. The Silence helped ensure the Daleks didn’t win the Siege of Trenzalore, thus fulfilling their prophecy.

How does the Doctor remember the silence?

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The Silence are perceived only while being viewed; they are instantly forgotten once a viewer looks away. To keep track of their encounters with the Silence, Doctor Who’s characters mark tallies on their bodies or use audio-recorder devices embedded in their hands to let them know if they have seen the Silence.

What is the oldest question Doctor Who?

What’s the doctor’s real name?

The Doctor will never have a real name other than “The Doctor” and whatever aliases he assumes (i.e. “John Smith”). In the mythos of the show, River Song knows his real name.

Why did Karen Gillan leave Dr Who?

Speaking to IGN in 2012, Karen Gillan said that she and showrunner Steven Moffat negotiated Amy’s exit over a very pleasant dinner. She explained that she felt it was time for her to go, he outlined some upcoming plot twists, and they put their heads together.

What is silence in doctor who?

Over hundreds of years, the Doctor defended Trenzalore from invasions by Daleks, Cybermen and numerous other alien species. During this time, a batch of Confessional Priests (and other associates of the church such as Madame Kovarian) became a breakaway sect, ( TV: The Time of the Doctor) the religious order known as the Silence.

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Why did the Doctor fake his death at Lake Silencio?

Though the Doctor’s death at Lake Silencio was thought to be a “fixed point” of history, it turns out he faked his death, with River imprisoned for it so that the Silence will believe him dead. The Silence’s origins are revealed in ” The Time of the Doctor ” (2013).

Why does the doctor not give his real name?

During the hundreds of years of stalemate above the planet Trenzalore, where the Doctor refused to give his name lest he unleash the full horrors of a renewed Time War on the universe, the Papal Mainframe became known as the Church of the Silence, making the Doctor’s continued silence its primary mission.

When was the first episode of silence will fall?

Though the phrase “Silence will fall” recurred throughout the 2010 series of Doctor Who, the Silence were not seen until the 2011 series’ opener “The Impossible Astronaut”. Their origins are eventually revealed in the 2013 special “The Time of the Doctor”.