
What evidence is there that dinosaurs had feathers?

What evidence is there that dinosaurs had feathers?

In 2011, samples of amber were discovered to contain preserved feathers from 75 to 80 million years ago during the Cretaceous era, with evidence that they were from both dinosaurs and birds. Initial analysis suggests that some of the feathers were used for insulation, and not flight.

Did T Rex actually have feathers?

Fossils tell us that dinosaurs had scaly skin, while some may have had feathers. While some feathered dinosaurs flew, others did not. Unlike in the movies, the T. rex had feathers that sprouted from its head, neck, and tail.

How many Spinosaurus fossils have been found?

Six main partial specimens of Spinosaurus have been described.

Did T. rex have feathers 2020?

Paleontologists think feathers may have first evolved to keep dinosaurs warm. But while a young T. rex probably had a thin coat of downy feathers, an adult T. rex would not have needed feathers to stay warm.

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Why do people believe in a feathered Spinosaurus?

Basically, there’s no particular reason to believe in a feathered Spinosaurus… sadly. So far as I’m aware, there is no undisputed direct evidence of feathers among theropods outside of Coelurosauria. So while it’s almost certain some non-Coelurosaurans had feathers, we don’t know which ones did and we know of at least one who most likely didn’t.

Did Spinosaurus live in water?

So I don’t see the fact that it lived in water as being an issue, necessarily. And it is my understanding that not “all” dinosaurs are believed to have had feathers, but just theropods. Spinosaurus is classified as a theropod, so there is a distinct possibility that they had feathers.

Were all dinosaurs believed to have feathers?

And it is my understanding that not “all” dinosaurs are believed to have had feathers, but just theropods. Spinosaurus is classified as a theropod, so there is a distinct possibility that they had feathers.

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Are spinosaurs primitive dinosaurs?

Spinosaurids, in comparison to other dinosaurs, are rather primitive – in fact, as the above chart mentions, they’re on a completely-different branch than maniraptora, a clade that includes most feathered dinosaurs including birds. Spinosaurs are megalosauroideans, which is decidedly more primitive than maniraptora.