
What happened to Hasan and Hussain?

What happened to Hasan and Hussain?

During the Caliphate of Mu’awiya In the nine-year period between Hasan’s abdication in AH 41 (660 AD) and his death in AH 49 (669 AD), Hasan and Husayn retreated to Medina, trying to keep aloof from political involvement for or against Mu’awiya.

What happened after Karbala?

Immediately after the Battle of Karbala Lady Zainab (a.s) sister of Imam Hussain (a.s) emerged as a Hero and took the reins in her hand and became a symbol of resistance and courage. She is popularly known as the “Hero Of Karbala” and till date remains a role model for women of the community today.

What is the real story of Karbala?

Battle of Karbala, (October 10, 680 [10th of Muḥarram, ah 61]), brief military engagement in which a small party led by al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad and son of ʿAlī, the fourth caliph, was defeated and massacred by an army sent by the Umayyad caliph Yazīd I.

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What happened after Imam Hussain martyred?

Imam Hussain (a.s.) and his followers were all decapitated after martyrdom and their severed heads were hoisted on spears, as the army of Yazid with a strength between 30 thousand and 70 thousand soldiers celebrated their victory.

Who defeated Imam Hussain?

The Battle of Karbala (Arabic: مَعْرَكَة كَرْبَلَاء‎) was fought on 10 October 680 (10 Muharram in the year 61 AH of the Islamic calendar) between the army of the second Umayyad Caliph Yazid I and a small army led by Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, at Karbala, modern day Iraq.

Who took revenge of Karbala?

Mukhtar al-Thaqafi
He took over Kufa in October 685, after expelling its Zubayrid governor, and later ordered the execution of those involved in the killing of Husayn….Mukhtar al-Thaqafi.

Mukhtar al-Thaqafi ٱلْمُخْتَار ٱبْن ٱلثَّقَفِيّ
Born c. 622 Ta’if, Hejaz
Died 3 April 687 Kufa, Iraq
Burial place Great Mosque of Kufa
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How many son and daughter does Imam Hussain have?

According to the Shia, Husayn married Fatimah al-Kubra (born 671 ACE) to his brother Hasan’s son Hasan al-Muthanna. Fatimah died in the year 735 ACE. Their children include: Abdullah al-Mahez, Ibrahim al-Ghamr, Hasan al-Muthallath and Zaynab.