
What is a firefighters schedule like?

What is a firefighters schedule like?

Schedule Overview Firefighters generally work in long shifts that include weekends and holidays. These shifts might differ from one city to another. The two most common types of shifts for firefighters are 24 hours on followed by 48 hours off, or 10- to 12-hour shifts for three to four days in a row.

What are three tasks that a firefighter might do during a shift?


  • Drive firetrucks and other emergency vehicles.
  • Put out fires using water hoses, fire extinguishers, and water pumps.
  • Find and rescue victims in burning buildings or in other emergency situations.
  • Treat sick or injured people.
  • Prepare written reports on emergency incidents.
  • Clean and maintain equipment.

What is interesting about being a firefighter?

Firefighters respond to building and outdoor fires. They also respond to traffic accidents. Firefighters work long shifts, they only work 8 days in a month and their shift is usually 24hours on and 48 hours or even 72 hours off. They have flexible schedules.

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How stressful is being a firefighter?

They risk heat exhaustion, smoke inhalation and serious injury while on the job, and even the state of anticipation preceding a major threat can be highly stressful in itself. Firefighters are also sometimes required to spend long hours outdoors in bad weather.”

How does being a firefighter work?

A firefighter, also known as a fireman, is a highly skilled man or woman who works to combat and extinguish fires. They also take steps to prevent fires, act as emergency medical technicians (EMT), and investigate the causes of fires.

What makes firefighters attractive?

To answer your question, it’s because firefighters do something dangerous to save lives, and they show competence in doing so. That’s attractive to women. Why shouldn’t it be? They are willing to put their lives on the line in order to help people.

Why are firefighters important?

Firefighters also provide an important role in educating the public regarding fire and safety. Teaching fire prevention and educating the public on how to respond in emergency situations can help save lives.

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How many hours a week does a firefighter work?

The working week of a firefighter can depend on different circumstances of their employment contract with the city/district. Typically, those that work 24-hour shifts do so for anywhere between 48-52 hours per week. The average on the 12-hour schedule is 42.46 hours a week because it is an 8-day block.

How many Kelly days a week can a firefighter work?

Federal law on firefighter employment states that firefighters can work for 53 hours a week before they are entitled to overtime pay. Regular Kelly Days limit the number of times that this can mathematically occur across the year.

Do firefighters work together while on duty?

While on duty, the crew members live and eat together at the fire house. This makes firefighting a unique type of work. Instead of working an eight-hour shift and going home, firefighters are together constantly while working.

Is being a firefighter a stressful job?

Firefighters work in very stressful situations. They are called out to fires and other emergencies, and may need to work while sleep-deprived when circumstances warrant. They see people who have been injured or killed in fires or as the result of accidents and other incidents as part of their job duties on…