
What is a profile file?

What is a profile file?

profile file contains the individual user profile that overrides the variables set in the profile file and customizes the user-environment profile variables set in the /etc/profile file. The . profile file is often used to set exported environment variables and terminal modes.

What is the purpose of .profile file?

The . profile file contains your individual profile that overrides the variables set in the /etc/profile file. The . profile file is often used to set exported environment variables and terminal modes.

Where is .profile located?

Where is the user profile folder? Your user profile folder is located in the Users folder on your Windows system drive, which on most computers is C:. In the Users folder, your profile folder name is the same as your username.

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What is the use of .profile file in Linux?

. profile file in Linux comes under the System startup files(defines user environment after reading the initialization files that you have set up when you log in to shell). File like /etc/profile controls variables for profile of all users of the system whereas, . profile allows you to customize your own environment.

Where is PS1 stored?

PS1 is a primary prompt variable which holds @\h \W\\$ special bash characters. This is the default structure of the bash prompt and is displayed every time a user logs in using a terminal. These default values are set in the /etc/bashrc file.

What is profile file in Unix?

A profile file is a start-up file of an UNIX user, like the autoexec. bat file of DOS. When a UNIX user tries to login to his account, the operating system executes a lot of system files to set up the user account before returning the prompt to the user. This file is called profile file.

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What is user folder in Windows 10?

The User folder on Windows 10 is a folder created specifically for each user account that is configured on a Windows 10 system. The folder houses important library folders such as Documents, Pictures, and Downloads, and it also houses the Desktop folder. It’s also where the AppData folder resides.

What is profile Linux?

If you have been using Linux for a while you are probably familiar with the . profile or . bash_profile files in your home directory. These files are used to set environmental items for a users shell. Items such as umask, and variables such as PS1 or PATH .

Where is profile file in Linux?

profile file is located in the user-specific folder called /home/. So, the . profile file for notroot user is located in /home/notroot.

How do I get to profile files on Mac?

On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Profiles . If you haven’t installed any configuration profiles, Profiles preferences isn’t available. Select a profile in the Profiles list to view information about it.