
What is a weed but an unloved flower?

What is a weed but an unloved flower?

A weed is but an unloved flower! Go dig, and prune, and guide, and wait, Until it learns its high estate, And glorifies some bower.

What makes a weed a weed and not a flower?

Here are just a few of the characteristics that make a weed a weed: They tend to produce lots of seed — sometimes tens of thousands of seeds per plant. Their seed can sometimes survive for a very long time in the soil, going dormant but then sprouting just as soon as conditions are right.

Is it a flower or weed?

Flower, or bud, is the smokable, trichome-covered part of a female cannabis plant. Flower is the most popular form of cannabis due to its versatility since it can be consumed in a variety of ways, including smoked in a pipe or joint, vaporized in a vaporizer, or incorporated into edibles.

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Can a weed be a flower?

Examples of invasive species include buckthorn, honeysuckle and hogweed. Flowers are, of course, desirable in your garden. A garden is a celebrated center for flowers, but remember that some weeds flower as well. Dandelions and sowthistles are two of the most common types of these weeds.

Who said a weed is but an unloved flower?

poet Ella Wheeler Wilcox
“An unloved flower” In 1911 poet Ella Wheeler Wilcox said in her poem, The Weed, “A weed is but an unloved flower!” All plants were once wild and weedy.

Who said a weed is just a plant in the wrong place?

George Washington Carver often said that a weed is a flower growing in the wrong place. He might have said this about himself.

What characteristics should a weed have?

Characteristics of a Weed A common characteristic of weeds is their relatively short growing and flowering cycles, during which they produce an abundance of seeds. They usually have the ability to grow in less than ideal environments and tend to spread quickly.

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Why is a weed called a weed?

Why do we call it a weed? The plant you classify as a ‘weed’ will compete for air, light, plant food and space. They deprive cultivated plants of these requirements and reduce their vigour, yield or beauty. They are also prolific seed producers – for example the poppy can produce 16,000 seeds per plant.

Is black medic a weed?

Black medic is a weed of home lawns, parks, low-maintenance grounds, and along roadsides. This species is often found growing in dry, marginal soils with thin turf that has not been fertilized with nitrogen. It tends to grow in a prostrate fashion, forming patches and is most noticeable when flowering during summer.

What are the purple strains in weed?

Violet: Purple strains of cannabis are probably the most popular, such as Granddaddy Purple, Purple Haze and Purple Urkle. Marijuana strains that appear purplish or blue as opposed to the traditional green cannabis, tend to be more fruity, due to the high number of anthocyanins.

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Is it a weed app?

Like a horticultural equivalent to Shazam, the B&Q Gardens App lets you identify the plants in your garden, giving you an insight into which plants need weeding out, and how to look after the ones you want to keep.

What does a weed is a flower growing in the wrong place mean?

A weed is sometimes defined as any plant growing in the wrong place. Perhaps an even better definition is that a weed is a plant for which we have not found a use. These plants can be used as medicines or poisons.. So it is not that the plant is intrinsically bad, it is that we have misused it.