
What is forestry and wildlife conservation?

What is forestry and wildlife conservation?

These people take care of this wildlife habitat and its resources by protecting them from every present and expected danger. Forestry includes protecting, conserving and upgrading forest resources.

What is the difference between conservation of forest and wildlife?

Conservation of forest means conserving forest. Forests also helps in rainfall. Conservation of wildlife is the conservation of wild animals. Many sanctuaries and parks are created to provide the animals with their habitants and protect them.

What is the difference between forest conservation and conservation of forest?

Forest conservation is the practice of planting and maintaining forested areas for the benefit and sustainability of future generations. The conservation of forest also stands & aims at a quick shift in the composition of trees species and age distribution.

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In what ways are wildlife conservation and forest conservation related?

Wildlife conservation, forest conservation and soil conservation — all three are inter- related. It is because, by conserving the forest, wildlife and soil are automatically conserved. When we conserve forests, we conserve soil by preventing soil erosion. They also maintain the fertility of soil.

What is conservation of forest and wildlife in India?

Conservation of Forest and Wildlife in India This act provided several provisions for protecting habitats. The primary agenda of the programme was to protect the remaining population of certain endangered species by banning hunting, giving legal protection to their habitats, and restricting trade in wildlife.

What are the objective of conservation of forest and wildlife?

We should conserve forests and wildlife to preserve biodiversity to prevent endangered species from becoming extinct,and to maintain ecological balance in nature.

What is forestry conservation?

Conservation forestry is a specialty within the area of forestry which is focused on conserving and protecting forests. Forestry involves managing and developing forests. Forestry itself is an ancient profession. People have been harvesting trees and using forested land for hunting and other activities for centuries.

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What are methods of forest conservation?

Prevention of exploitation of forestry and forest products is necessary for the conservation of forest. The existing forests should be protected from diseases by spraying chemicals, antibiotics or the development of pest-resistant strains of trees. Reforestation and afforestation techniques to be followed.

What is forest conservation Act 8?

Legal act such as The Forest (Conservation) Act passed by the Government of India aims at preserving and conserving natural forests and meeting the needs of people living near the forests.

What are the two main aims of wildlife conservation?

The two main aim’s of wildlife conservation is: 1. to save endangered animals. 2. to take proper care of animals with their life.