
What is Indo-European family tree?

What is Indo-European family tree?

It turns out that Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Hittite, Old Irish, Gothic, Old Bulgarian, Old Prussian, and other languages share surprising attributes, meaning that most European languages and many of the languages of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India belong to the Indo-European family.

What are the branches of the Indo-European language family?

The Indo-European family is divided into several branches or sub-families, of which there are eight groups with languages still alive today: Albanian, Armenian, Balto-Slavic, Celtic, Germanic, Hellenic, Indo-Iranian, and Italic; and another six subdivisions which are now extinct.

What is the origin of the Indo-European language family?

Linguists believe that the first speakers of the mother tongue, known as proto-Indo-European, were chariot-driving pastoralists who burst out of their homeland on the steppes above the Black Sea about 4,000 years ago and conquered Europe and Asia.

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What branch of the Indo-European language tree is English?

West Germanic language
English language, West Germanic language of the Indo-European language family that is closely related to the Frisian, German, and Dutch (in Belgium called Flemish) languages.

What is the meaning of Indo-European people?

Indo-European. adjective. denoting, belonging to, or relating to a family of languages that includes English and many other culturally and politically important languages of the world: a characteristic feature, esp of the older languages such as Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit, is inflection showing gender, number, and case.

Are Tibetan and Mandarin related?

Although Chinese, Tibetan and Burmese languages sound completely different from one another, they are all derived from a common ancestral tongue. Mandarin, Cantonese, Tibetan and about 400 other languages all belong to a group called Sino-Tibetan languages because of their shared origin.

Is Japanese a Sino-Tibetan language?

Sino-Tibetan hypothesis According to him, Japanese is closely related to the Sino-Tibetan languages, especially to the Lolo-Burmese languages of southern China and Southeast-Asia.

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What is English language family?

Indo-European languages
Germanic languagesWest Germanic languagesAnglo-Frisian languagesAnglic languages
English Language/Language family

What is the origin of Indo European language?

Indo-European Languages Originated 6,000 Years Ago in Russian Grasslands. Proto-Indo-European is the ancestral tongue of 400 languages and dialects, including English, German, Italian, Greek, and Hindi.

What are non Indo European languages?

Non Indo-European languages of Europe and vicinity include: Basque- The sole surviving relic of western Europe’s pre-Indo-European past. Etruscan- An extinct non IE language of Italy. Finnish and Estonian- belong to the Finno-Ugric language group of northeastern Europe ; the IE peoples didn’t get to this part of Europe.

What are the largest language families?

Atlantic–Congo (1,432 languages)

  • Austronesian (1,275 languages)
  • Indo-European (588 languages)
  • Sino-Tibetan (494 languages)
  • Afro-Asiatic (373 languages)
  • Nuclear Trans–New Guinea (314 languages)
  • Pama–Nyungan (248 languages)
  • Oto-Manguean (180 languages)
  • Austroasiatic (159 languages)
  • Tai–Kadai (94 languages)
  • Where did the Indo – Europeans originate?

    The Indo-European Family was originally thought to have originated in the forests north of the Black Sea (in what is now Ukraine) during the Neoloithic period (about 7000BC). Modern research appears to indicate an origin in Anatolia (Modern Turkey).