
What is Ketu in 10th house?

What is Ketu in 10th house?

When Ketu is placed positively in the horoscope in the 10th house, it leads to success in career. It can make the person attain status, power, and wealth in life. when the Ketu is placed negatively in the 10th house, it makes the person foolish. Such a native indulges in wasteful efforts and ordinary work.

What happens if Rahu is in 10th house?

The person who has Rahu in the 10th House is likely to have a powerful and renowned career. Career will flourish more if it is related to masses. Those people who have Rahu in the 10th house will generally dream of success in life. This helps them to overcome limitations and rise above his or her level in life.

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What does Jupiter in 10th house mean?

Jupiter stands for grandeur. The 10th house stands for profession and occupation. So, when Jupiter is placed in the tenth house, it may mean high success in the profession and other areas of life.

How does Ketu affect your life?

In Hindu astrology Ketu represents karmic collections both good and bad, spirituality and supernatural influences. Ketu is believed to bring prosperity to the devotee’s family, removes the effects of snakebite and illness arising out of poisons. He grants good health, wealth and cattle to his devotees.

Which house is good for Ketu?

7th house is generally associated with planets like Mercury and Venus. When Ketu is positioned at the favorable position, it bestows the native with good and remarkable wealth. The wealth is likely to increase the rate of the number of children the native has.

What does Jupiter and Ketu conjunct in the 10th house mean?

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A true seeker of spirituality, higher learning, enlightenment, and scientific research is seen from this conjunction. Jupiter or Ketu having a link with the Ascendant or 10th house, the person may be working as Priest, Astrologer, magician, alchemy, teacher, spiritual master/healers.

What are the effects of Jupiter and Ketu in astrology?

Jupiter is for higher knowledge and generosity when in conjunction with Ketu, it makes a person little scattered in terms of almost everything whether it’s grabbing knowledge or practicing spirituality. Usually a happy person, not prone to a deep inquiry, willing to serve as a symbolic guru or social figurehead.

What happens when Mars and Ketu conjoins?

When Mars and Ketu conjoins a yoga for extreme energy is formed. The person will always be warm to touch, and will feel hot all the time. Mars and Ketu makes the fire in the body go out of proportion, and severe problems arise from it. It causes extremely angry and violent behavior.

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Which planet can not conjoin with Ketu?

Ketu is Maha Shunya (The Big Zero), what ever he touches he destroys it (makes it zero). Now we see that Ketu should not be conjoined any planet or else that planet is gone from your life. The only planet that can control Ketu is Jupiter. The mighty Jupiter, turns Ketu into a great scholar and forms a Guru Parampara Yoga.