
What is magnetic force on semicircular wire?

What is magnetic force on semicircular wire?

Magnetic force on the semicircular wire, Fmag =i∫(dl ×B )=iB∫dl =iB(2r)=2iBr(−r^) where r is the radius of the semi circular loop.

What is the magnitude of the magnetic field at the center of the loop?

The magnetic field strength at the center of a circular loop is given by B=μ0I2R(at center of loop), B = μ 0 I 2 R (at center of loop) , where R is the radius of the loop. RHR-2 gives the direction of the field about the loop.

What is the magnetic field at the center O of a semicircular conductor of radius R carrying current I?

Applying biot-savart’s, the expression for the magnetic field at the center of a semicircular loop of radius R carries a current I is μ₀NI/ 4R.

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What will be the direction of current when semicircular loop will enter into the applied uniform magnetic field?

As the loop enter a magnetic field, the flux linked with the loop increases. The induced current will oppose this increase by producing magnetic field in the direction pointing in to the page. Hence induced current is in clockwise direction.

What is the direction of the magnetic force on the current in b )?

Magnetic fields exert forces on charged particles in motion. The direction of the magnetic force F is perpendicular to the plane formed by v and B as determined by the right hand rule.

What is current carrying wire?

The compass needle near the wire experiences a force that aligns the needle tangent to a circle around the wire. Therefore, a current-carrying wire produces circular loops of magnetic field. To determine the direction of the magnetic field generated from a wire, we use a second right-hand rule.

How is a current carrying wire placed in a magnetic field so that magnetic field does not act on it?

A current carrying wire is placed (A) Parallel to magnetic field so that magnetic field does not act on it. Explanation: When the current carrying wire is placed in a magnetic field, then the wire is subjected to magnetic force.

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What is magnetic field at centre of current-carrying loop?

Magnetic Field Produced by a Current-Carrying Circular Loop B=μ0I2R(at center of loop) B = μ 0 I 2 R ( at center of loop ) , where R is the radius of the loop. This equation is very similar to that for a straight wire, but it is valid only at the center of a circular loop of wire.

What is the magnetic field at the centre of current-carrying coil?


What is the direction of the magnetic field at the center of the semicircle?

For any location on the long straight sections, the vector Idl is in the x-direction, and the unit vector r which points from the source of the field (a piece of the straight section) to the field point (the center of the semicircle) is either in the x-direction or the -x direction.

What is the magnetic field at the center of a conductor?

At the center of a current-carrying conductor of finite radius, a circle of zero radius encloses zero current, therefore there is zero magnetic field.

How do you find the force on a current carrying wire?

The force on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field is F = IlB sin θ. Its direction is given by RHR-1. Example 1. Calculating Magnetic Force on a Current-Carrying Wire: A Strong Magnetic Field Calculate the force on the wire shown in Figure 1, given B = 1.50 T, l = 5.00 cm, and I = 20.0 A.

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What is the direction of magnetic force on a wire?

This is the magnetic force on the section of wire. Note that it is actually the net force exerted by the field on the charge carriers themselves. The direction of this force is given by RHR-1, where you point your fingers in the direction of the current and curl them toward the field. Your thumb then points in the direction of the force.

How do you determine if a magnetic force is attractive or repulsive?

When the current goes the same way in the two wires, the force is attractive. When the currents go opposite ways, the force is repulsive. You should be able to confirm this by looking at the magnetic field set up by one current at the location of the other wire, and by applying the right-hand rule. Here’s the approach.

What are the effects of a magnetic force on a conductor?

Describe the effects of a magnetic force on a current-carrying conductor. Calculate the magnetic force on a current-carrying conductor. Because charges ordinarily cannot escape a conductor, the magnetic force on charges moving in a conductor is transmitted to the conductor itself. Figure 1.