
What is pre-colonial African literature?

What is pre-colonial African literature?

The pre-colonial literature is the literary works done before the coming of the white men to the African continent. Before then, there was the use of oral Page 2 traditions and folktales and these made the literature of this period very interesting to children.

What is pre-colonial literature meaning?

It referred chiefly to oral knowledge preserved among the illiterate masses elsewhere or the oral literature of all people whether they have written knowledge or not. Classification of ethnic literature: 1. Folk narrative – this includes myths, legends and folktales 2.

What are the characteristics of colonial African literature?

Characteristics of African literature include slave narratives, protests against colonization, calls for independence, African pride, hope for the future, and dissent.

How can you describe the literature of pre-colonial period?

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The Philippine literature in different era have specific characteristics: Pre-Colonial period literature characterized based on oral traditions, crude on ideology and phraseology.; Spanish Colonization period literature have the characteristics of having two distinct classification the religious and secular.

What is pre-colonial culture?

Pre – Colonial Culture During the early period thousand years ago, the early Filipinos were composed of different groups that came from different part of Asia. With different groups they form their own community, system of education and religious belief.

What are the themes of pre-colonial literature?

Most of what we know of pre-colonial literature deals with oral traditions. These are in the form of epic poems, oral geneaologies, rhymes, riddles, wise sayings, folk tales, etc. The themes of these works was often spiritual or cosmological, or they were moral tales.

Why is this history considered as precolonial Philippine literature?

Explanation: The variety and abundance of Philippine literature evolved even before the colonial periods. Folk tales, epics, poems and marathon chants existed in most ethno linguistic groups that were passed on from generation to generation through word of mouth.

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Why do you think is important to study about the different forms of precolonial literature?

Answer: Studying the Pre Colonial literature on the Philippines is important because it gives us insight to the bases of the literary prose displayed during the Spanish colonization. Studying literature is fun because you can add some information in our own history.

What are the themes of pre colonial literature?

What is meant by post colonial literature?

Postcolonial literature is the literature by people from formerly colonized countries. It addresses the role of literature in perpetuating and challenging what postcolonial critic Edward Said refers to as cultural imperialism.

What is precolonial period?

The pre-colonial period broadly refers to the span of time prior to the introduction of European colonialism in areas across the world.

When was pre-colonial period?

The Precolonial Era (1450–1620)

What are some examples of pre-colonial African literature?

Examples of pre-colonial African literature are numerous. Oral literature of west Africa includes the Epic of Sundiata composed in medieval Mali, The older Epic of Dinga from the old Ghana Empire. In Ethiopia, originally written in Ge’ez script is the Kebra Negast or book of kings. One popular form of traditional African folktale is

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What is the literature of West Africa?

Oral literature of west Africa includes the “Epic of Sundiata” composed in medieval Mali, and the older “Epic of Dinga” from the old Ghana Empire. In Ethiopia, there is a substantial literature written in Ge’ez going back at least to the 4th century AD; the best-known work in this tradition is the Kebra Negast, or “Book of Kings.”

What are some examples of oral literature in Africa?

Oral literature of west Africa includes the Epic of Sundiata composed in medieval Mali, The older Epic of Dinga from the old Ghana Empire. In Ethiopia, originally written in Ge’ez script is the Kebra Negast or book of kings.

What are the main features of African literature?

The prose is often mythological or historical and can include tales of the trickster character. Storytellers in Africa sometimes use call-and-response techniques to tell their stories. Poetry, often sung, includes: narrative epic, occupational verse, ritual verse, praise poems of rulers and other prominent people.