
What is stronger a black hole or white hole?

What is stronger a black hole or white hole?

Although it was able to defend itself against everything else in the Universe, unfortunately, the black hole is its one true match. The mass the white hole is expelling is also being turned into energy for the black hole. Now that it’s consumed so much energy, our black hole is more massive than ever.

What happens if you go inside a white hole?

No spacecraft will ever reach the region’s edge. Objects inside a white hole can leave and interact with the outside world, but since nothing can get in, the interior is cut off cut off from the universe’s past: No outside event will ever affect the inside.

What is a GREY hole in space?

Gray holes are hyptohetical points of singularity positive in volume. they emit a dim white light, which contains every wavelength of light from 80 picometers in wavelength to 0.1 light years in wavelength. grey holes are on average 30 meters (100 feet) in diameter. They may exist in the form of Q-stars.

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Is there such thing as a white hole instead of a black hole?

There is no such thing as a white hole. In the 60s and 70s, a ‘white hole’ was a hypothetical object responsible for the vast amount of energy being emitted from Quasars, possibly the exaust of a black hole. The was never any theoretical basis for such an object.

What is there inside a black hole?

A black hole is a region of spacetime exhibiting such strong gravitational effects that nothing—not even particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from inside it. The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole.

Is a white hole the opposite of a black hole?

A white hole is a hypothetical feature of the universe. It is considered the opposite of a black hole. As black holes don’t let anything escape from their surface, white holes are eruptions of matter and energy and nothing can get inside them.

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Are black holes really a hole?

Black holes are not really holes at all. They are the opposite of empty! Black holes have the most matter stuffed into the least space of any objects in the universe. Because they are so compact, they have very strong gravity.