
What is the answer to the bridge Riddle?

What is the answer to the bridge Riddle?

The bridge is weak and only able to carry the weight of two of them at a time. Because they are in a rush and the light is fading they must cross in the minimum time possible and must carry a torch (flashlight,) on each crossing. They only have one torch and it can’t be thrown….Answer to Puzzle #25: Bridge crossing in 17 Minutes with Torch.

Move Time
(1) & (2) Cross with Torch 2

How do you get people across the bridge?

Remember: no more than two people can cross the bridge together, anyone crossing must either hold the lantern or stay right next to it, and any of you can safely wait in the dark on either side of the gorge. Most importantly, everyone must be safely across before the zombies arrive.

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Why does the old man sit at the bridge without moving?

Answer: the old man is sitting at the pontoon bridge without moving as he was tired of walking twelve kilometres from his home town, and he also didn’t wanted to move as the thirst of living in him died ….as his animals were his life and he had to leave them.

Can you solve the bridge Riddle_ Alex Gendler?

What does it mean that the old’s man spoke Dully *?

Q. What does it mean that the olds man spoke “dully”? He cares for the old man. He wants the old man to die/ He is indifferent.

Why did the old man leave San Carlos Why did the old man want to go to Barcelona?

The old man left San Carlos because he was forced to do so because of that Spanish Civil War because if he stayed back it is possible that he may die in that war. The old man wanted to go to Bracelona to be safe from the war, even he didn’t wanted to do so….

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What is the meaning of cross the bridge when you come to it?

Definition of cross that bridge when one comes to it : to not worry about a possible problem until it actually happens I don’t know how we’ll pay the bills if you quit your job, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.