
What is the Joy of Missing Out?

What is the Joy of Missing Out?

What is JOMO? JOMO is the acronym for the Joy of Missing Out, or enjoying what you’re doing in each moment without worrying about what everyone else is doing. JOMO is a sociological phenomenon which is a response to FOMO, or the Fear of Missing Out, the fear of being “out of the loop”, or not being the “coolest”.

How do you experience JOMO?

9 Habits That Increase JOMO

  1. Use your senses.
  2. Stop multi-tasking.
  3. Inhale…
  4. Practice gratitude.
  5. Give yourself three mindful minutes every day.
  6. Smell your food: This goes back to the point about your senses and is a practical way to make it a habit.
  7. Ground yourself: You might have heard of this one if you have anxiety.
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Why you should embrace the Joy of Missing Out?

It can open you up for deeper connections to the world and deeper relationships to other people, he says – and ultimately, bring you more joy. Brinkmann advocates for designing our environments in ways that make it easier for us to miss out, and focus on what’s important.

How do you use JOMO in a sentence?

Here is an example of JOMO being used in a sentence:

  1. Sarah: You can go to the party. I’m staying on the beach.
  2. Chloe: JOMO, eh?
  3. Sarah: Exactly.

What is opposite of FOMO?

Aleksey Korchemkin / Shutterstock. The fear of missing out on something is called “FOMO.” The opposite feeling, where you feel joyful at the idea of not being involved, is called “JOMO.”

How do you use Jomo in a sentence?

How do you help someone with FOMO?

How to Deal with FOMO

  1. Relish feeling out of the loop. Great things are indeed happening out there and sometimes you’re not invited.
  2. Take a hiatus from social media. Try staying offline for a day, a week, or maybe even a month.
  3. Use software to avoid succumbing to FOMO.
  4. Delete social media apps.
  5. Get a detox.
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What did JOMO Kenyatta believe in?

Ideologically an African nationalist and conservative, he led the Kenya African National Union (KANU) party from 1961 until his death.

Who invented JOMO?

In short, you have embraced the JOMO lifestyle. You have understood the importance of the Joy of Missing Out. The term was coined by US blogger and tech entrepreneur Anil Dash, who made a choice to cut down socialising.