
What is the main focus of Christianity?

What is the main focus of Christianity?

Christianity is focussed on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Christians believe that God wisely and generously created the world so that we might live in relationship with God and with all creation. In time, the good world that God created was marred by evil.

How do Christians worship?

Christian worship involves praising God in music and speech, readings from scripture, prayers of various sorts, a sermon, and various holy ceremonies (often called sacraments) such as the Eucharist.

What do you learn about Christianity?

Christianity is focussed on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Christians believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and that he now forgives all those who turn from evil and turn to Jesus in faith. Christians believe that God’s Spirit empowers them to live in a kind and peace- loving way.

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Why should Christians care about what they wear?

Because God cares about the message our clothes communicate. And since clothing is redemptive, our fashion choices should reflect the joy of our salvation, the abhorrence of sins for which Christ died, and the restoration of our shattered dignity. These are positive faith-pillars on which we can build positive faith-practice.

Why don’t we talk to clients about their Christian faith?

At best, this is because of a lack of knowledge, training or understanding. At worst, it is a brushoff of the Christian faith of clients — in particular, if those clients are conservative or evangelical.

What does the Bible say about clothing?

Christians’ discussion about clothing tends to be (1) based on an incomplete understanding of clothing, (2) overly reactive, and (3) too self-aggrandizing. First, it’s biblically incomplete to assume that clothing is merely functional, namely, that it only covers nakedness, protects the body, etc.

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What should we consider when choosing our clothes?

The bottom line is this: the greatest consideration when selecting our clothes should not be our particular fashion taste, but the God who redeemed our bodies with the ransom price of Jesus’s blood. He now gets to say what we communicate with our clothes.