
What is the meaning of ijma and what are the different types of ijma?

What is the meaning of ijma and what are the different types of ijma?

The names of two kinds of consensus are: ijma al-ummah – a whole community consensus. ijma al-aimmah – a consensus by religious authorities.

What Quran says about ijma?

The authenticity of ijma as source of islamic law can be made out from following sayings of the holy Quran and the Prophet(P.B.U.H). In Quran it has been ordained, “obey Allah and obey Prophet and those amongst you who are in authority (learned scholars)”.

What are the conditions of ijma?

The Ijma must have taken place after the death of Holy Prophet (Peace be Upon Him). The Ijma must be performed by jurists of single determined period i. e. of the same generation. The Ijma must be upon rule of law and all-non legal matters are excluded from the domain of Ijma.

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How many kinds of ijma are there?

three kinds
There are three kinds of Ijma: Ijma of Companions: The concurrent opinion of the companions of Prophet was considered most authoritative and could not be overruled or modified. Ijma of the Jurists: This was the unanimous decision of the jurists (other than companion).

How many kinds of ijma there are?

There are three kinds of Ijma: Ijma of Companions: The concurrent opinion of the companions of Prophet was considered most authoritative and could not be overruled or modified. Ijma of the Jurists: This was the unanimous decision of the jurists (other than companion).

What are the ingredients of validity of ijma?

Conditions for the Validity of Ijmaa:

  • The agreement must take place among mujtahids.
  • The agreement must be unanimous.
  • The mujtahids must belong to the Islamic community.
  • The agreement of mujtahids must be held after the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
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How important is the use of ijma or qiyas in Islamic law in present day situations?

Today ijma’ and qiyas are used mainly for issues that did not arise at the time of the Prophet; ijma’ is the consensus of opinion of scholars; ‘my community will never agree upon an error’; Qiyas is analogy, when one Islamic ruling is compared with another to derive a new ruling for a new issue.

What are ijma and Qiyas?

In such cases, those people with extreme knowledge on Quran and ahaadith, extract the ruling for a particular situation. This is called qiyas. After the time of prophet Muhammad saws, and during the khilafat of 4 great khulafa, whatever qiyas is done and accepted by all sahaba is called ijma.

What are the conditions for ijmaa’?

There are certain conditions for ijmaa‘, such as: 1.It should be soundly proven in the sense that it is either well known among the scholars or transmitted by a trustworthy narrator who has read widely. 2.It should not have been preceded by a well-known difference of opinion.

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Is Ijma’ a valid form of legal evidence?

While they agreed on this definition, they disagreed on whose Ijma’ is valid. And based on their opinion, they defined Ijma’. While all Muslims are in agreement that Ijma’ is a Daleel Shari’ (legal evidence), they disagreed on whose Ijma’ is binding.

What is the meaning of ijma?

In the Arabic language, Ijma’ means ‘Azm or determination. It can also mean Ittifaq or agreement. As a term among the scholars of Usool, ”it is the agreement over a rule for an incident that already existed that it is a Hukm Shari’ah.”” While they agreed on this definition, they disagreed on whose Ijma’ is valid.

Does ijmaa’ cancel out a previous difference of opinion?

If that was the case, then there is no ijmaa‘, because scholarly opinions are not invalidated by the death of their authors. Ijmaa‘ does not cancel out a previous difference of opinion; rather it prevents differences of opinion from arising. This is the most correct view, because of the strength of its argument.