
What is the most important to be kind or to be right?

What is the most important to be kind or to be right?

Scott Fitzgerald quote comes into play — being kind and listening to people are often more important than constantly seeking to be right and prove others wrong.

When given a choice between being right and being kind choose kind Meaning?

When given the choice of being right or being kind, choose kind. it means to me that you should be nice instead of correcting someone wrong Example: that I’m right but I don’t do much because I know someone else might be wrong.

Why should you choose kind over being right?

You are given many opportunities to choose between being kind and being right. You have chances to point out to someone their mistakes, things they could or should have done differently, ways they can improve. You have chances to “correct” people, privately as well as in front of others.

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When you can choose between being right or being nice choose to be nice?

“If you have the choice between being right and being kind, choose being kind” (Dr. Wayne W. Dyer)

WHO said it is better to be kind than to be right?

Gautama Buddha quote: Sometimes it’s better to be kind than to be right…

How do you choose kindness?

Choosing kindness doesn’t come easy to us. We are wired in a way that makes it much easier for us to react to something in a negative way….Don’t forget to be kind to yourself too

  1. Respect yourself.
  2. Forgive others but don’t forget to forgive yourself.
  3. Focus on yourself.
  4. Keep a self-care journal.

Would you choose right or kind?

Why is Being Right important?

We are rewarded for what are deemed to be correct answers and the ensuing higher grades, which generally lead to more successful lives. Being right affirms and inflates our sense of self-worth. As students we learn to avoid as best we can the embarrassment of being wrong.

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What is a good quote from Wonder?

1. “When given the choice between being right or being kind choose kind.” 2. “I think there should be a rule that everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their lives.”

Is kindness valued?

Kindness is vital to the human existence and is an important value to harness. In fact, it is the most important. Everyone should work on showing a little more kindness to others.

Can kind people be successful?

Whether you are in business for yourself or you want to be a success in your personal life, giving time to others unconditionally is a sure-fire way to be successful in life. It’s by giving to others without expecting something in return that you really begin to see the benefit of being a good and kind person.

Do you have the choice between being right and being kind?

Different quotes are worth mentioning but one of them is more powerful than others: “If you have the choice between being right and being kind, choose being kind”, a quote taken from American philosopher, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. This quote made me think about the impact of kindness on other people’s lives.

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What does it mean to be kind instead of correct?

When given the choice between being right, or being kind, choose kind. it means to me that you should be nice rather than correct someone in a bad way. Example: that I am correct but I don’t make a big deal about that since I know that some other might not have been correct.

What did Wayne Dyer say about being kind to others?

Dr. Wayne Dyer famously wrote, “When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind.” We all struggle with the insecurities of our egos, with the insecurity of being wrong. And a threatened ego will almost always lash out. Click to see full answer.