
What is the oldest Ethiopian language?

What is the oldest Ethiopian language?

Extinct as a vernacular language, Geʿez is the ancestor of the modern Tigrinya and Tigré languages of Eritrea and Ethiopia. The oldest known inscription in the language dates from the 3rd or 4th century and is written in a script that does not indicate vowels.

How many languages Ethiopian have?

There are between 45 and 86 languages spoken in Ethiopia. Amharic is the government’s official language and a widely used lingua franca, but as of 2007, only 29\% of the population reported speaking Amharic as their main language.

What are the seven dead languages?

Top 6 dead languages list – When and why have they died?

  • Latin Dead Language: Latin as a dead language was one of the most enriched languages.
  • Sanskrit Dead Language:
  • Coptic No Longer Alive:
  • Biblical Hebrew Expired Language:
  • Ancient Greek Departed Language:
  • Akkadian No Longer Alive:
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Is Amharic older than Arabic?

Amharic is one of the Southern Semitic languages spoken in Ethiopia alongside Argoba, Tigrinya, Tigre, Geez, Guragenya, Siltee etc.. which are considered much older than the Northern Semitic languages such as Hebrew & Arabic, according to recent research findings.

Do they speak Arabic in Ethiopia?

Arabic, which also belongs to the Afroasiatic family, is spoken in some areas of Ethiopia. Many Muslim Ethiopians are also able to speak Arabic because of their religious background. English is the most widely spoken foreign language which is also taught in many schools.

Which country speaks Amharic?

Ethio-Semitic languages, the Semitic languages of Ethiopia and Eritrea, including Geʿez, the liturgical language of the Ethiopian Orthodox church; Amharic, one of the principal languages of modern Ethiopia; Tigré, of northwestern Eritrea and Sudan; Tigrinya, or Tigrai, of northern Ethiopia and central Eritrea; Argobba; …