
What is the probability of 5 Saturdays in the month of February?

What is the probability of 5 Saturdays in the month of February?

So the probability is 1/7.

What is the probability of 5 Sundays in February?

Now, this extra day could be any of the 7 days of sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday. and probability of getting sunday from these 7 days= 1/7. So, the probability of 5 sundays in february of a leap year is 1/7.

What is the probability that there will be 5 Saturdays in the month of January?

January will have 5 Sundays if January 1 falls on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Therefore the probability is 3/7.

What is the probability of the event having 5 Sundays in the month of?

So in any 400 consecutive years, 172 of them will see a January with five Sundays. The probability is therefore 172 divided by 400 or 0.43 exactly.

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What is the probability of having 5 Sundays in February of a leap year?

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Given: So, the probability of a leap year having 5 Sundays in February is $\dfrac{1}{7}$. Therefore, the correct option is (c) and $\dfrac{1}{7}$ is the probability of a leap year having 5 Sundays.

What is the probability that the month of February has 5 Sundays in a non leap year?

There are 28 days in month of February in non leap year. Understand that there are 28 days in month of February in non leap year and 28 days will have all days of week 4 times. Hence none of day of week can be 5th time in month. Hence Probability of 5 Tuesday is 0 as it is impossible event.

What is a probability of getting 5 Monday in February in a non leap year?

In a leap year, February has 29 days. As a result there will be exactly one of the seven days of the week that will have 5 occurrences during February, the other days of the week will have exactly 4 occurrences. As a result, the probability of getting 5 Mondays is 1/7 or approximately 14.29\%.

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What is the probability of the event having 5 Sundays in January 2021?

What is the probability of getting 5 Sundays in the month of Nov 2020?

November has 30 days of which 28 days lies in the 4 weeks. And 2 days are left. Thus there will be 5 Sundays only if the 2 days are Saturday, Sunday or Sunday, Monday. Thus the favorable outcome is 2.

What is the probability of getting 5 Monday in February in a non leap year?

Even when February starts with Monday then dates 1 , 8 , 15 and 22 are Mondays . So there will be no fifth Monday ever in non leap year February .

What is the probability of getting 5 Sundays in January?

4 Answers. January will have 5 Sundays if January 1 falls on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Therefore the probability is 3/7.

What is the probability of getting 5 Sundays in December?

These 3 days which are left will be consecutive so probability of getting 5 Sunday in December is 3/7.

What is the probability of having 5 Sundays in February?

Now, this extra day could be any of the 7 days of sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday. and probability of getting sunday from these 7 days= 1/7. So, the probability of 5 sundays in february of a leap year is 1/7. What is the probability of having monday and tuesday at the end of a leap year? Interesting question.

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What is the probability that a leap year has 53 Sundays?

What is the probability that a leap year has 53 Sundays? That means there will be 52 Sunday/Monday…/Saturdays plus 2 additional days. Now these 2 additional days would be combination of any of the successive two days. Now the probability of two Sundays will be (i) & (vii) = 2 outcomes out of above 7 outcomes.

What is the probability that the calendar repeats after 400 years?

With the leap year rules the calendar repeats after 400 years (the number of days in 400 years is divisible by 7 ). In any period of 400 years using the current calendar, 1 January will fall on: January will have 5 Sundays if January 1 falls on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Therefore the probability is 3/7.

How often does a leap year have 5 Sundays in February?

There are 97 leap years in a a 400 year cycle, and leap year dates – including 29 February – will occur on a particular day of the week either 13, 14, or 15 times. Leap years that have five Sundays in February occur 13 times out of 97 leap years, making slightly more than 13.4\% of all leap years.