
What is the process of flocculation?

What is the process of flocculation?

4 Flocculation. Flocculation is a process by which a chemical coagulant added to the water acts to facilitate bonding between particles, creating larger aggregates which are easier to separate. The method is widely used in water treatment plants and can also be applied to sample processing for monitoring applications.

How do flocculating agents work?

Flocculating agents are either inorganic salts or water-soluble organic polymers. They act by shrinking the ionic double layer, or neutralizing the surface charge of suspended particles, or bridging between particles. The type of flocculant used depends on the type of solid–liquid separation being performed.

What does flocculation do in water treatment?

Flocculation is the separation of a solution, commonly the removal of sediment from a fluid. The term is derived from floc, which means flakes of material; and when a solution has been flocculated, the sediment has formed into larger aggregated flakes, making them easier to see and remove.

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How is flocculation achieved in suspension?

Ionic surfactants cause flocculation by neutralizing the charge on each particle, resulting into a flocculated suspension. When the surfactants reduce the interfacial tension, the liquid becomes capable of displacing the adsorbed film of air from the surface of solid drug particle and facilitating wetting.

How does coagulation and flocculation work?

Coagulation and flocculation occur in successive steps intended to overcome the forces stabilising the suspended particles, allowing particle collision and growth of flocs, which then can be settled and removed (by sedimentation) or filtered out of the water.

How does flocculation prevent caking?

Flocculating agents are electrolytes which carry an electrical charge opposite that of the net zeta potential of the suspended particles. Since the particles are linked together only loosely, they will not cake and may be easily redispersed by shaking the suspension.

How do you control flocculation?

To achieve controlled flocculation the flocculating agents that may be needed [5], a) electrolytes b) surfactants and c) polymers. The electrolytes act by altering the zeta potential of the dispersed particles of the suspension.

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How flocculation is used for separation?

Flocculation (except in polymer science) Process of contact and adhesion whereby dispersed molecules or particles are held together by weak physical interactions ultimately leading to phase separation by the formation of precipitates of larger than colloidal size.

What is the coagulation process Class 12?

CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Notes: Surface Chemistry – Coagulation and Hardy Schulze Law. Coagulation or precipitation:-it is a process of aggregating together the colloidal particle so as to change them into large sized particles which ultimately settles as a precipitate.

Why is flocculation necessary for suspension?

Since the particles are linked together only loosely, they will not cake and may be easily redispersed by shaking the suspension. As we can see from Stoke’s Law, if we apply flocculation as a means of preventing caking, then we will increase the particle diameter, and thus increase the rate of sedimentation.

What happens during the process of flocculation?

Applications Surface chemistry. In colloid chemistry, flocculation refers to the process by which fine particulates are caused to clump together into a floc. Physical chemistry. Civil engineering/earth sciences. Biology. Cheese industry. Brewing. Water treatment process. Jar test.

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How do flocculants work and why?

These two basic concepts are the reasons that flocculants work. When the particles come together, they get heavier . When they get heavier, the water molecules cannot push them around as easily as they used to, and gravity pulls them to the bottom of the water container. The result is water with less dirt in it!

What is the purpose of flocculant?

Flocculants , or flocculating agents (also known as flocking agents), are chemicals that promote flocculation by causing colloids and other suspended particles in liquids to aggregate, forming a floc. Flocculants are used in water treatment processes to improve the sedimentation or filterability of small particles.

What is meant by flocculation power?

The coagulating power or flocculating power is the reciprocal of coagulating value or flocculating value. How do you find coagulating powers? So, according to this rule, greater the charge on an oppositely charged ion, greater is its coagulation power.