
What is the purpose of economiser in boiler?

What is the purpose of economiser in boiler?

Economizers are heat exchangers that transfer the heat in the flue gas to another medium‚ generally the boiler feed-water‚ although other streams are sometimes used such as make-up water. There are 2 types of economizers: non-condensing and condensing.

What is the purpose of using economiser?

An economizer is a mechanical device used to reduce energy consumption. Economizers recycle energy produced within a system or leverage environmental temperature differences to achieve efficiency improvements.

Why economiser is essentially used irrespective of the fuel used in boiler furnace?

Due increase in fuel prices, all power plants are facing pressure for increasing boiler efficiency. So by using economizer, this pressure can be minimized. Power plants where it is not used, large quantity of water is required to cool the flue gas before desulphurization which is minimized by using economizers.

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What is the function of economiser and air preheater?

Air Preheaters Similar to economisers, they are devices that transfer heat from one surface to another – but this time from fluid to air. The main objective is to increase the thermal efficiency of a boiler system by recovering the heat from the flue gas and using it to heat the air.

How economiser increases the efficiency of boiler?

An economizer captures heat from the flue gas that would typically go to waste, and utilizes it to preheat the feedwater. By doing this, an economizer is able to increase thermal efficiency by decreasing the energy required to heat the water to steam.

What is the purpose of using economiser in the boiler Mcq?

What is the main purpose of using an economizer in a boiler? Explanation: Economizer in boilers is used to heat fluids, upto a certain degree not beyond the boiling point of that fluid.

What is the function of Economiser and air preheater?

What is the function of Economiser in steam boiler Mcq?

Explanation: Economiser is used to rise the temperature of feed water. Air preheater is used to raise the temperature of intake air. Flue gases after heating boiler water Still possesses sufficient heat energy which if not used will waste.

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What is the purpose of superheater?

A superheater is a device used to convert saturated steam or wet steam into superheated steam or dry steam. Superheated steam is used in steam turbines for electricity generation, steam engines, and in processes such as steam reforming.

What is the purpose of superheater in a boiler Mcq?

Explanation: Function of the superheater is to increase the temperature of steam above its saturation temperature.

How can efficiency of economiser be improved?

Incorporate an Economizer Another way to improve energy efficiency is to incorporate heat recovery into a boiler system. The right type of equipment for a boiler system depends upon several factors, including boiler type, fuel used, stack material and operating conditions. Standard Economizer.

What is function of Economiser Mcq?

What is the function of economizer? Explanation: Economizer makes use of waste heat from the hot gases to heat the feed water before suppling it to the boiler.

What is economizer in boiler?

Boiler Economiser ( Sometimes Called Economizer ) is the Energy improving device that helps to reduce the cost of operation by saving the fuel. The economizer in Boiler tends to make the system more energy efficient. In boilers, economizers are generally Heat Exchangers which are designed to exchange heat with the fluid, generally water.

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What is the function of economiser in steam power plant?

Economizers, in steam power plants, used to capture the waste heat from boiler flue gas and transfer it to the boiler feedwater. What are the types of economisers?

Why choose Thermodyne boiler economiser?

Thermodyne boilers has a lot of experience in manufacturing Economisers and is tailor-made in order to suit your specific requirements. The compact designs Thermodyne Boiler Economiser further reduce the flue gas losses and will save you a good fortune in terms of the fuel usage thereby lowering the operating cost.

What is an economizer and how does it work?

As the name may imply, the Economizer is a device built into a boiler to help improve the economy of the boiler. The water heading into the boiler has typically been preheated by some steam flow that was extracted, or bled, from the steam turbine. This water is under very high pressure, and enters the boiler inside high pressure water lines.