
What language is mainly spoken in Belgium?

What language is mainly spoken in Belgium?

Dutch. Dutch is the most spoken primary language of Belgium and the official language of the Flemish Community and the Flemish Region (merged to Flanders). Along with French, it is an official language of the Brussels-Capital Region.

Does Belgium have a national language?

Official Languages: French, Dutch and German. Wallon, the local variant of French, is used by 33\% of population. Flemish is used by more than 60\% of the population, and is spoken in the northern part of the country. The languages learned at school are officially labelled French and Dutch.

Is Flemish an official language of Belgium?

Dutch is the official language in Belgium. French-speakers often pejoratively call the Dutch language used by Flemings Flemish but it is Dutch nevertheless. The Flemish tend to use it to refer to the various dialects of Dutch spoken in Flanders.

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Why is German an official language of Belgium?

In the east of Wallonia, next to the German border, are nine communities that used to belong to Germany. Belgium was given them in 1919, as a compensation for the damages suffered during the First World War. The inhabitants here speak German. Do you have to panic now and buy three language guides?

Why do Belgian speak French?

The capital city of Brussels originally shifted to speaking predominantly French for the same reasons the newly independent Belgium did: because it was considered the most prestigious language in Belgium at one time, both for getting access to higher education and well-paying jobs.

What language is spoken in Malta?

Maltese Sign LanguageEnglish
Malta/Official languages

Where is Flemish spoken?

Dutch language, also called Netherlandic or Dutch Nederlands, in Belgium called Flemish or Flemish Vlaams, a West Germanic language that is the national language of the Netherlands and, with French and German, one of the three official languages of Belgium.

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Can Belgians speak Dutch and French?

Both, 60\% of Belgians speak Dutch, 39\% speaks French, 1\% speaks German (some people don’t know that). It really just depends on where in Belgium you are, in Flanders or in Wallonia.

What are the common main languages in Belgium?

Orientation Location and Geography. The country is located at the western end of the northern European plain, covering an area of 11,780 square miles (30,510 square kilometers); the neighboring states are Linguistic Affiliation. The main languages are Dutch and French; they are also the joint official languages. Symbolism.

What is the native language in Belgium?

Dutch is the native language of three fifths of the Belgian population and is the official language of Flanders, the northern part of the country. Although Belgian Dutch is similar to the Dutch that is spoken in the Netherlands, but there are differences so Belgian Dutch © is usually referred to as Flemish.

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Do they speak English in Belgium?

Flemish people speak Belgian Dutch in Flanders, which is the Flemish part of Belgium. Just as the English language spoken in Australia, Canada, UK, USA, South-Africa; and French spoken in Belgium, Canada, France, and Switzerland, Belgian differ, so too does Dutch spoken in The Netherlands differ from that in Belgium.

What languages do Belgians speak?

Belgium – Language. Belgium has three official languages: French, Dutch and German. Dutch in Belgium is virtually identical to Dutch in the Netherlands, with the exception of a few local terms and expressions, although certain areas in Dutch-speaking Belgium have local dialects that can sometimes be incomprehensible to speakers of standard Dutch.