
What percent of Iran is Azeri?

What percent of Iran is Azeri?

“Azerbaijanis” in Iran based on Iran’s population demographics at 6 to 6,5 millions, that is, at a maximum, less than 5\% of Iran’s total population.

What is the most common eye color in Iran?

Dark brown
Dark brown was the most prevalent iris color in rural areas of Iran. The index of cornea among people with dark and dark brown iris color is higher than other people, and people with light iris color are at a higher risk of developing eye disease such as cataract, corneal opacity, and refractive error.

What race is someone born in Iran?

Ethnicities in Iran

Ethnic groups in Iran (World Factbook)
Persians 54\%
Azerbaijanis 16\%
Kurds 10\%
Gilaks and Mazandaranis 7\%

How many Azerbaijanis are in Iran?


Azərbaycanlılar آذربایجانلیلار‎
Iran 15 million (Encyclopædia Britannica) 10.9–15 million (CIA factbook, Knüppel, Ethnologue, Swietochowski) 12–18.5 million (e.g. Elling, Gheissari) 6–6.5 million (Arakelova)
Azerbaijan 8,172,800
Russia 603,070
Turkey 530,000–800,000
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What are Persian eyes?

Persians are known for their flat, pansy-like faces with large, round, wide-set eyes. Persian Cats tend to communicate delightfully with these huge and expressive eyes (CFA, 2019).

How many Azeris are in Iran?

Azeris. Azeris are Iran’s largest ethnic minority, numbering at least 12 million. But according to some estimates, up to 20 million live in Iran—almost one-quarter of the population. Most Azeris are well integrated into Iranian society, although their traditional language is closer to Turkish than Persian.

Why do some Persians have green eyes?

Because ancient hunter – gatherers had blue and green eyes. These ancient hunter – gatherers (Cro-Magnon) were found throughout Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Central Asians also originated from Iran and there are many blue, green eyed people in Afghanistan.