
What problems did Vietnam veteran soldiers encounter when returning back to the US?

What problems did Vietnam veteran soldiers encounter when returning back to the US?

Some struggled to overcome physical injuries, emotional problems, or drug addictions from their time in Vietnam. Others had trouble feeling accepted by their friends and families. Some returning soldiers blamed their situation on the antiwar movement and developed a deep resentment toward antiwar protesters.

Why were the Vietnamese soldiers such a difficult opponent?

Vietnam War soldiers endured many hardships and faced many problems. Combatants on both sides faced physical challenges posed by the climate, terrain and wildlife of the country. They also struggled with logistical problems and the complex political situation in Vietnam.

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What do you say to a Vietnam vet?

To: All Brothers In Arms Who Have Proudly Served! Message: Thank You For Your Service! Message: Honoring all of our Vietnam Veterans, not only at this time, but all year long. You all hold very special places in our hearts and we thank you all for your service and sacrifices.

Did you know facts about Vietnam?

Here are 15 fun and interesting facts about Vietnam that you probably didn’t know!

  1. Vietnamese cuisine is considered amongst the healthiest in the world.
  2. They have half-hatched eggs for breakfast.
  3. Vietnam is the world’s leading exporter of cashew nuts and black pepper.
  4. They eat what most Westerners consider pets – dog meat.

Why are Vietnam vets hated?

There are persistent stereotypes about Vietnam veterans as psychologically devastated, bitter, homeless, drug-addicted people, who had a hard time readjusting to society, primarily because of the uniquely divisive nature of the Vietnam War in the context of US history.

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How many Vietnam veterans have PTSD?

In the 1970s, a study showed that 15 percent of Vietnam War veterans developed PTSD. However, as time has gone on, that number has doubled to a staggering 30\% of Vietnam veterans with PTSD, or 810,000 of the 2.7 million service members, in the National Vietnam Veteran Readjustment Study.

Why would we not win the Vietnam War?

The Vietcong had an intricate knowledge of the terrain. They won the hearts and minds of the South Vietnamese people by living in their villages and helping them with their everyday lives. Their tunnel systems, booby-traps and jungle cover meant they were difficult to defeat and hard to find.

What was so bad about the Vietnam War?

More than two decades of violent conflict had inflicted a devastating toll on Vietnam’s population: After years of warfare, an estimated 2 million Vietnamese were killed, while 3 million were wounded and another 12 million became refugees.

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Do you tell a veteran Happy Veterans Day?

Should You Say ‘Happy Veterans Day’ to a Veteran? As opposed to Memorial Day, Veterans Day isn’t a solemn occasion. Because of this, saying “Happy Veterans Day” to a veteran can be used in the same way a greeting like “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Thanksgiving” is used.

How old is a Vietnam vet?

▶ Vietnam Veteran ages range from 55 to 97 years old. In order to make equitable comparisons, these Veterans are compared with the civilian populaƟon of the same age group.