
What should INTJs major in?

What should INTJs major in?

Since INTJs excel in developing creative solutions for complex problems, they should consider engineering, architecture, medicine, science, or IT fields as their possible major.

Do INTJs make good detectives?

Detective Detective work is also well suited to INTJs due to the value they place on seeing a project through to completion and their persistent nature when working towards a goal: in this case, the solving of a crime.

What are the best entry-level jobs for intjs?

Cook,Private Household. Private household cooks work as personal chefs,cooking meals in homes.

  • Model Maker,Metal and Plastic. Metal and plastic model makers use industrial machines such as lathes,mills,engravers,and CNC machines to make functional models of full-sized objects.
  • Farm and Ranch Manager.
  • What are ideal professions for intjs?

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    Accountant or Auditor. The analytical nature of INTJs will draw them to the number crunching required for this job.

  • Mathematician. Solving problems is the best description for this job.
  • Architect.
  • Economist.
  • Writer.
  • Computer Programmer.
  • Lawyer.
  • Police Detective.
  • Physician or Surgeon.
  • What do intjs need in a career?

    Working on their own (Introversion)

  • Using ideas and information (Intuition)
  • Being flexible in their thought process (Thinking)
  • Following a logical path (Judgment)
  • What are the best INTJ careers for You?

    Accountant. Due to the nature of the profession,accountancy is one of the most logical INTJ career matches.

  • Lawyer. The complexity of the UK’s legal system makes law an appealing career option for the INTJ personality.
  • Project Manager.
  • Computer Programmer.
  • Architect.
  • Detective.
  • Scientific Researcher.
  • Technical Writer.
  • Engineer.
  • GP.