
What technologies have become obsolete?

What technologies have become obsolete?

List of obsolete technology

Obsolete technology Replacement
Phonograph and phonograph record Audio cassette, 8 track tape, compact disc, MP3
Telegraph Telephone, teletype, email, Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
Video cassette recorder DVDs, digital video recorders
Computing, information storage, and office equipment

What does it mean when technology becomes obsolete?

Obsolete refers to outdated computer hardware, software, technology, services or practices that are no longer used, even if they are in working condition. A technology often becomes obsolete when replaced by a newer or better technology.

What current technologies do you see becoming obsolete in the future?

Flash drives, cell phones, and cable TV are a few of the things that tech experts suggest could become obsolete in a few decades due to current or predicted advances in technology.

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What existing technologies do you know that might become obsolete in the next five years?

25 Things That Could Become Obsolete Within the Next 5 Years

  • House Keys. Shutterstock.
  • Digital Cameras. Shutterstock.
  • The Lightning Connector. Shutterstock.
  • Paper Maps. Shutterstock.
  • Parking Meters. Shutterstock.
  • Shopping Malls. Shutterstock.
  • Paper Receipts. Shutterstock.
  • The Checkout Counter. Shutterstock.

What things will disappear in 10 years?

Credit cards. Oh, yes, we’ll still be able to pay by credit – that won’t be disappearing any time soon – but we won’t need those rectangular bits of plastic to do it.

  • Cash.
  • Passwords.
  • Keys.
  • Eye glasses (spectacles)
  • Airport queues.
  • Parking meters.
  • Chargers.
  • What’s the most outdated thing you still use today?

    Originally Answered: What’s the most outdated thing you still use still today? A fountain pen, writing paper, envelopes and stamps.

    Would traditional media become obsolete in the future?

    As technology advances, people want to know about important events the instant it happens, rather than getting delayed news. New media is able to provide them with quicker news as compared to traditional news, and hence new media outshines traditional media in terms of speed.

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    What were the two types of obsolete?

    The two main types of functional obsolescence are:

    • Curable obsolescence.
    • Incurable obsolescence.

    What technology will be obsolete by 2025?

    10 Surprising Things Technology Will Make Obsolete by 2025 1. Car Mirrors. In recent years, camera-and-display setups have become standard in many higher-end cars. Each… 2. Plastic Credit Cards. Cash is dying; credit cards have been biting into that pie since the 1970s. But now credit… 3. Cords

    What are some obsolete technologies that will baffle modern generations?

    36 obsolete technologies that will baffle modern generations. 1 Public telephone booths. The iconic phone booth; essentially a monument to telephone’s history and now just a tourist attraction or somewhere to 2 Rotary telephones and wired landlines. 3 Dumb phones. 4 Pagers and beepers. 5 Personal digital assistant (PDA)

    What technology has made fax machines obsolete?

    Like many of the technologies on our list, fax machines have largely been rendered obsolete by the invention of email, the internet and advancements in computing technologies. Audio brother to VHS and Betamax cassette tapes was the compact cassette tape.

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    What technology has made the phonebook obsolete?

    Not really a technology as such, but certainly something made obsolete by technological advancements is the simple phonebook. These chunky paper directories included residential and business listings for all the phone numbers you could possibly need. Now rendered obsolete by the internet, these phonebooks are certainly a relic of a bygone era.